Title: Drow hunt results! Post by: userjosh5368 on October 28, 2006, 12:40:37 pm Leading event:-Demarian Tel'var Regular Grenadier
Attended:- Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Raiden Morana Grenadier Corporal Hoagie Officer Cadet Gimbly Regular Grenadier Flina Trix Junior guardsmen Desmond Kreiger Junior guardsmen Amy Watchman Prizes 1st 10000 gold 2nd 7500 3rd 5000 We headed off nearly an hour late after three juniors took an undisciplined action,immature and pathetic argument with each other I've already though of how to deal with such incompetence and rudeness but this is for another report'. We headed out to Despise on the second level using a rune i had my friend mark with the exact location of the hunt'.. After explaining the rules and so forth we i set them off and with shouting go! We rushed at each other and monsters'..For thirty minutes i had guardsmen coming in depositing gold and stuff'. After thirty minutes of drow madness i called them in with a loud shout echoing through the caverns' at this point i announced the places and as follows 1st Flina Trix 2nd Vince Valentine 3rd Desmond Kreiger 4th Raiden Morana 5th Gimbly 6th Hoagie 7th Amy Fairly good effort from all of them and they were awarded for there winning the rest went away with the hope of next time. (http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/6251/untitled1rz4.jpg) All i can say is good job soldiers keep up the hard work. Signed Demarian Tel'var Title: Re: Drow hunt results! Post by: Vince Valentine on October 30, 2006, 06:01:15 am Outstanding stuff Demarian, most fun it was too!
Keep up the good work *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant |