Title: Duke o' Trinsic Missing! Post by: Benguard on March 21, 2005, 10:32:22 pm After tha' battle with the bloody Kaldorians, I went ter Trinsic ter see what was going on, ye know... just getting an update...
*clears throat* Ther' was a great gathering o' folk by the jails, and I happened ter hear a Duchy Sergeant informing the guards o' how tha' miserable old Duke has gone missing. He's been abducted, so tha' Sergeant said, although 'e doesn't know who 'twas that captured 'im... I don't know 'ow useful this information will be...but I think 'tis the right thing ter do... That'll be all fer now Sah'! (http://home.graffiti.net/gandon/dukekidnapped.JPG) |