Title: The slaughter at the healers! Post by: Rumours of Cove on March 21, 2005, 10:36:47 pm *You overhear two peasants talking to each other outside a farm*
Oi...! Ye 'eard? Wha'? Appereantly some..thing caused a total bloodbath at the healers in Minoc an' Cove last night. The healers got murdered an' everyone tha' was inside. Two Cove militia found the mess. (http://img205.exs.cx/img205/2566/murder26ow.jpg) Aye aye I did! Í 'eard it was a bloody mess! Them say it was the shadow. (http://img205.exs.cx/img205/5135/murder16zi.jpg) *The other peasant shakes his head* I heard it's one of em Undead.. But the smithy is convinced it's Drow! Hmm, Wha' about em Caste? *They walk inside* |