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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on November 07, 2006, 10:51:15 am

Title: *A note listing apprentice tasks for Guardsman Recruit Eve*
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 07, 2006, 10:51:15 am
Har! Another recruit wanting ter join the Baron's Own eh? Grand!

I told Vince the Grenadier curse would nay put 'em off. *coughs*

Recruit Eve,

As you are well aware a Grenadier is always prepared. As my apprentice and aspiring Grenadier this applies ter ye too!

Therefore I want yer to seek out the citizens of Cove and acquire the following supplies for your kit.

300 Arrows
300 Bolts
10 Healing Potions (greater)
10 Curing Potions  (greater)
5 Night Sight Potions
5 Strength Potions  (greater)
2000 Bandages

These supplies will stand ye in good stead but it is up ter ye to keep 'em well stocked.

I want ye to report yer activities below...


Raiden, Grenadier Corporal.

[ooc]As always these tasks are optional. You may contact the civvies in game/via pigeon/or place tasks on the Citizen Task Board. Seek out a fletcher for the arrows/bolts, alchemist for potions and a tailor for the bandies - good luck[/ooc]

Title: Re: *A note listing apprentice tasks for Guardsman Recruit Eve*
Post by: Eve Thenasa on November 07, 2006, 11:48:33 am
Hail Raiden

As a matter of priority, I will start this task immediately and later report to you on it.

*signed* Eve, Guardsman Recruit

Title: Re: *A note listing apprentice tasks for Guardsman Recruit Eve*
Post by: Eve Thenasa on November 14, 2006, 10:13:39 pm

"A Grenadier is always prepared"

I began my task by choosing three Citizens whom I felt would be capable of providing me with the items needed, these were as follows:-

  • Citizen Qom (tailor)
  • Citizen Amon (Fletcher)
  • Citizen Vincenzio (Alchemist)

I felt that by seeking out individuals, there would be less time wasted in acquiring the necessary items for my kit.  I made the following posts to each of the citizens, stating exactly what was required of them and adding praise in the hope of speeding up the results!:-

Supplies required (for the attention of Qom Riyadh)
Ammunition required (for the attention of Amon Jarl)
Potions required! (for the attention of Vincenzio)
Shortly after, I received the following correspondence via pigeon from Citizen Qom:-

Off kohz, ma'am, I'm glad to help.

If ye can gather me wool I would beh most grateful, since meh don't have lotsa time diz day... (would need about 150 wool piles for 2000 bandies)

Please meet me at meh workshop about 8pm

Qom Riyadh

I took leave from the baronship to visit Shirley the Shepherd (a friend of mine) in Yew, she allowed me to collect all the wool I needed.  This task took many days, but once the last lot of wool was acquired and with the help of the horse we carried it back to Cove for Qom to do his work.

I still had several days leave and whilst the work was being done I returned to my home forest west of Skara Brae.  Whilst there I thought of the hard working Civilians.

hmm... Qom looks as though he could do with some home cooking?

Vincenzio could have some of these to decorate his home!

I wonder if Amon could make use of these

In the mean time I received word that my orders for potions and ammunition had also been met, and a suitable time and place was arranged to collect them.  When it was time for me to return to Cove, I took with me a small gift to give to each of them for the effort and trouble they had gone to for me.

Eve Guardsman Recruit

Title: Re: *A note listing apprentice tasks for Guardsman Recruit Eve*
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 14, 2006, 10:18:39 pm
Excellent work lass!

Kept 'em civvies busy too eh?! *chuckles*

Well it's up ter ye to keep yerself well fully supplied from now on... I may from time to time check yer equipment!

Remember a Grenadier is always prepared.


Raiden, Grenadier Corporal.