Title: Collecting Dirt Post by: DelZar on November 07, 2006, 06:25:24 pm Collecting Dirt.
Led By; Officer Cadet: Hoagie Attended by; Regular Dragoon: Kurt Regular Grenadier: Demarain Tel'var Watchman: DelZar A pigeon hits my door with a note saying, "Gather at the Barracks". I grabed some of my magic herbs and headed to the Barracks. Once there I lined up and awaited orders. Cadet Hoagie had gotten up and said that we were to go forth to shame and collect some dirt from them Walking earth elementals. I was then ordered to open a magic portal leading to the entrance, so I did just that. We all stepped through and lined up on the other side. We were then split into two groups of two. We went in and started showing them the Coveian way of handleing things. (http://img451.imageshack.us/img451/2135/uo0001rc3.jpg) We then slpit in two different dirrections. Regular Kurt and Cadet Hoagie went one way and Regular Demarian and I went the other. One by one they fell at the pounding of Regular Demarians Skills and mine. (http://img375.imageshack.us/img375/2746/uo0002is0.jpg) It was so pathetic I almost quit to let Regular Demarian handle them so that they would have a better chance to deffend themselves, but being in the Coveian army we are all brothers in for the same Cause. We move swift and killed them even swifter taking any dirt that was left of them when they hit the ground, and any coins we found as well. We all finally met in one chamber and did a count of what was collected. (http://img366.imageshack.us/img366/5708/uo0003cy7.jpg) It was then desided that we had collected enough dirt and I was ordered to take us home to the Barracks. Once there we put all the dirt on the ground and all the coins. We were given all equal shares of the coins and the rest was left for the Coffer. After that we were then Dismissed. Signed Watchman: Del'Zar Title: Re: Collecting Dirt Post by: Mela Arkay on November 07, 2006, 11:11:34 pm Was this for the 'Camouflage dirt' task? If so how much was collected? Grand report by the way.
Scout Corporal, Mela.E.Arkay. Title: Re: Collecting Dirt Post by: DelZar on November 08, 2006, 12:28:21 am You would have to get with Mister Hoagie Ma'am. I only did what I was told Ma'am and reported it.
Signed Watchman: Del'Zar |