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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Snudrud on November 08, 2006, 10:00:36 pm

Title: Snudruds brother
Post by: Snudrud on November 08, 2006, 10:00:36 pm
I have nearly convinced a friend to join as Snudrud's identical twin Smudrud!
Don't despair!.....yet....
Because goblins have their own language, and we both speak Norwegian, I was thinking is it OK that we speak Norwegian (goblin), though if there are any other Norwegians in Cove....umh.. it ruins the point ( telling what Hoagie has in his backpack, and what's smart to acquire, and other things for only goblin ears....) so are there any other Norwegians other than me (Snud), my bro (Khaelieth) and a potencial new one?(Smud)

And is it OK that I use Norwegian?

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: John Dell on November 08, 2006, 10:14:08 pm
It's a good idea. And it wouldn't stop you just because other Norwegians exist in the guild. With a post or a message to them telling them that when they are talking its goblin. I mean, people in BoC are expected to know how to RolePlay  :), so they can easily pretend (roleplay) not understanding what they are saying, even though they are.

So like if khae was on his elf char khae.. he wouldn't understand what you where saying unless he took classes in goblin in school or something.  ;D

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Mela Arkay on November 09, 2006, 12:37:25 am
In Character there are no Norweageans since Norweageans don't actually exsist in UO. Go for it:)

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Khaelieth on November 09, 2006, 12:39:57 am
It is my duty as his RL brother to correct spelling mistakes like that.

But ya. Henrik?

I think Delc is some weird breed of Norwegian :D

And the Swedes and Danes will understand you.

Got a short list compiled for when I am going to send them to death camps of them

Jack Sinist - Dirty Swede
Jessica Hawkins - Dirty Swede 2#
Tom Rackham/Feraz - Dirty Swede 3#


Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Hoagie on November 09, 2006, 12:55:40 am
I think Khoolieath has something against Swedes...

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on November 09, 2006, 07:37:52 am
Nah, Kailif is just babbling again...

As for speaking Vikingeese in game, I am not a big fan of it.
Why not make up some gibberish language and use party chat or UO chat to exchange information?

If you use UO chat, all problems are solved, it leaves your party free and it's easy to use.
When running assassinations I used to use UO chat and it worked like a charm.

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 09, 2006, 09:42:07 am
Why not make up some gibberish language and use party chat or UO chat to exchange information?

Someone already did... they called it Norwegian :P

HoHo! I crack myself up :D

p.s. Shouldn't Sven be dirty Swede #1 - sorry Jack I think he pips yer... just :P

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Shadwell on November 09, 2006, 10:08:43 am
I dont think its the best of ideas. It wouldve been more suitable if you werre a Viking and made your Brittanian a bit more Scandinavian. But the old Orc guild did have his own language and it rocked!

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: userjosh5368 on November 09, 2006, 11:56:45 am
To right kinda the same with KTD had them Japaneese thing at times

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Khaelieth on November 09, 2006, 01:25:46 pm
Hmmm... Could perhaps make goblin, but I'd need to know how to make a translator :D
Base it on the old Tolagâl (Tolâgal?) stuff.

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Mela Arkay on November 09, 2006, 02:18:03 pm
KTD actually spoke Japanese Dem.

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Snudrud on November 09, 2006, 02:30:25 pm
Seems like people have differnt opinions....but we could speak drow instead...(snudrud is a drow ex-slave) but, people should know how do RP properly, so norweagean shouldn't be a problem..  EAVEN the swedes can RP properly...and if someone can't, ill ask them VERY politely to piss off in norwegean!
......and kaleief there will be RL punishemnt anywY, so I might as well spell your name with tripple H.......
And kalif, I have stolen all your socks!


Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on November 09, 2006, 05:59:47 pm
*points towards the dyslexia thread and smiles politely*

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Delcarakdur on November 09, 2006, 06:44:39 pm
He can't spell for the life of him...It's not worth even trying :D

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 10, 2006, 12:35:34 am
You know, if you want Goblin... you coulda just spoke english....... oh wait thats orcs who speak english only utteral and with a much smaller voabulary... never mind my goblinoid friends.......  eh wait wait wait!! How did a Goblin... foul smelling and putred get into the covian commonery??

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Khaelieth on November 10, 2006, 02:21:11 am
First. Snud can spell good for being 14 (soon 15!) and his mother language isn't English in the way it is for me. So Delc, stop slagging. ;)

Second. He's not a commoner, he's a recruit.

Third. He will be punished by beatings not seen since Celtic beat Rangers at Ibrox.  Especially as he's nicked my socks!

Fourth. Does anyone know how to make a translator?

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Locke DaOrt on November 10, 2006, 06:20:24 am
You dont need a Translator!, either speak to him in party and say gibberish IG

"Muck ollock ur gurab snigg log"

etc, or just make a dirty english rule


Meg gonga kill yous

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Mela Arkay on November 10, 2006, 08:44:19 am
Seems like people have differnt opinions....but we could speak drow instead...(snudrud is a drow ex-slave) but, people should know how do RP properly, so norweagean shouldn't be a problem..  EAVEN the swedes can RP properly...and if someone can't, ill ask them VERY politely to piss off in norwegean!
......and kaleief there will be RL punishemnt anywY, so I might as well spell your name with tripple H.......
And kalif, I have stolen all your socks!


Mela speaks drow since she spent quite a few years living with one.

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on November 10, 2006, 09:06:23 am
As does Kazuo as he actually used to work for one at one time.
(It was Ro'tzac, ex-Crimson Rogue, who had once given him the means to infiltrate the Bujin'Kai)

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on November 10, 2006, 09:09:58 am
Jack speak drow because he has been inside one. Ahahaha

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on November 10, 2006, 09:42:56 am
Jack speak drow because he has been inside one. Ahahaha

Like little red riding hood and the wolf?

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Khaelieth on November 10, 2006, 03:11:10 pm
Don't stray too far off topic ;)

I reckon if the conjugation and a few words were changed, it'd work.

Title: Re: Snudruds brother
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on November 11, 2006, 01:09:20 am
Jack speak drow because he has been inside one. Ahahaha
Wow... come again?  ???