Title: Tippin' Our Covers Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 09, 2006, 11:41:05 pm Well Ladies and Gents, In America Its Veteran's Day! What it is in Europe, Asia, and The islands I have no clue. I just wanted to thank Anyone who's Retired or Active duty Military, And I give thanks to all those who came before myself. I also want to wish that anyone who's currently In harms way, or is sitting right were N. Korea threatens with its Nukes (Micronesian islanders, oh and my Helo Squadron, the Airbase and the Naval Base down South.....) Worlds a scary place, still even though so many have gone before and paid dearly for peace. So I'm asking that you all take a few moments today to stop. Take of yer cover, and hope that the souls of them good people that came before and that shall go, will find their way to peace, and when you hope for them, please don't forget the people the civilians who's neighborhoods are called combat zones, the people who lost their loved ones and will lose loved ones. And another If you are a Veteran of your countries Military, regardless of what country that may be, stand up proud and say it, cause weather I'm aiming a Missile at you or your aiming one at me. Today we're all just veterans serving our countries as best we know how, for Lord knows how little money. hehehe Alright I've rambled and put in my dollar and 2 cents.
Title: Re: Tippin' Our Covers Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on November 10, 2006, 07:41:18 am The Dutch are a peace lovin' (and herb smokin') nation.
No way we're gonna put down our joint for even one second just to think about all the great things that other counties' armies have done for us! Hey, respect to all those who have dedicated theirselves to world peace, but seriously, nowadays it's no longer about world peace or any peace at all, it's simple economics. Title: Re: Tippin' Our Covers Post by: Shadwell on November 10, 2006, 10:04:18 am Yeah sure. The fight in Yugoslavia was totally about economics. And yeah the stuff our boys are getting from Afghanistan is amaaazing :P
Seriously. I respect "our boys" in Uruzgan (Afghani region) even though I am Dutch..! And even more the people who liberated US more then 60 years ago. Anyway, this is not a thread about the right/wrongs of military. So keep it on topic. Veterans. I respect Grief Dryfh Gry! Title: Re: Tippin' Our Covers Post by: Kazuo Shinrai on November 10, 2006, 10:26:33 am Indeed, even the war in Yugo was about economics, otherwise the western would not have cared.
World War II is one of the last true wars, one where "world peace" was at stake. Anyway, my post was not to slag off the people who give/gave their lives, they do earn my respect. However, to mention veterans day and the celebration of peace in one sentence is a bit much for me. Peace is a relative understanding. If the US oppression within their own country is called peace, well then it seems to me that some people are in need of a new dictionary. There will always be wars and most wars will still be about economics. One way or the other. World peace will never happen as long as their are people who benefit from war. Ergo, me celebrating any day that relates to military activity is something that just won't happen. With that said, my respect still goes to those who have dedicated theirselves to the illusion of peace and made an efford to "protect" this illusion. Title: Re: Tippin' Our Covers Post by: John Dell on November 10, 2006, 10:46:00 am With that said, my respect still goes to those who have dedicated theirselves to the illusion of peace and made an efford to "protect" this illusion. I strongly doubt there are many of those. Title: Re: Tippin' Our Covers Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 10, 2006, 10:39:06 pm looks like i said too much to begin with.....