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Element boards => Completed Citizen Tasks => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on November 11, 2006, 02:58:44 am

Title: (COMPLETE)The City of gargoyles you say...?
Post by: Vince Valentine on November 11, 2006, 02:58:44 am
Deep within the desert, lies the city of gargoyles. Famed for being vicious enemies, some breeds are actually welcoming and willing to trade...

The Task

Aquire the services of at least three guardsmen of the army, and lead an expedition to the desert city of the gargoyles, located in ilshnear. Once there, begin talks with them, in an attemt to set up regular trade trips. Whilst there, have a look around and see what kind of wares they sell/trade.


Three guardsmen must be in attendance to escort you to this dangerous place, as well as any number of citizens.

Any member of the citizenship may attemp this task.

A document of how things went should be posted beneath this notice, as well as information on what wares the gargoyles sell and how difficult/easy they are to trade with.

           Vince Valentine
        Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: The City of gargoyles you say...?
Post by: Averion on January 16, 2007, 07:02:33 pm
*Snores loudly*
Zzzzzz, Phheeeewww, Zzzzzz
*Twas a long day for our poor civvie hero!*

First of all, the great Joseph decided to get his new Citizen badge, and to whip those pesky soldieers into shape...Round NOT included!

P/S, the last one, i was reffering to the sunny side Retirement home! I believe Octiovus has a bed reserved there. *Grins*

Joseph Algren!!

Title: Re: The City of gargoyles you say...?
Post by: Vince Valentine on January 16, 2007, 07:48:52 pm
Ah, a well lead trades mission.
I hope those winged folk didn't give you too much trouble.

70 shillings awarded - Joseph Algren