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Element boards => Completed Citizen Tasks => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on November 11, 2006, 05:35:00 am

Title: The darkness does come....
Post by: Vince Valentine on November 11, 2006, 05:35:00 am
Vince looks out of the barracks windows, into the pitch black night..

Bloody hell, five o clock and i can't see my hand in front of my face! This won't do...

The Task

Place lanterns around the housing district of cove. The darkness hides many a nasty shadow, so we must prevent this at all costs! Anywhere between the town gates and the great covian wall (The water barrel wall) is allowed. At least fifteen lanterns in tota must be placed.


At least fifteen lanterns must be placed around the housing district of Cove.

Extra shillings will be awarded for hiring a citizen to make the lanterns

The lanterns don't have to be locked down, just placed wherever you deem fit.

A document of how the task went, and any problems you encountered should be pinned beneath this notice, with a painting or two

         Vince Valentine
      Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: The darkness does come....
Post by: qom_riyadh on November 14, 2006, 10:09:34 pm
Meh must admit that it is in fact not very safe to walk around our beautiful Cove after sunset. Thieves, bums, zombies, trolls and other kinds of various scum roam the Cove like their own home.

So when mistah Valentine ordered to lighten up the Cove, meh thought: "Idiz a task fer ya, olde Riyadh!" So meh ordered some top-quality lanterns (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,6612.0.html) and get to tha job.

Also meh placed lanterns by every house that is within Cove's boundary, even, for those who don't belong to our fine society - to let them know, that we're most friendly...

Meh sketched most signs of houses meh visited, but here is a list of places meh visited:

  • 1. "Toothpick And Loveseat" Woodworks
  • 2. Conans Tower
  • 3. Scouts Retreat
  • 4. Bayview
  • 5. Covian Tradespost
  • 6. The Great Covian Arena
  • 7. Robin's Home
  • 8. Hall Of Champions
  • 9. Anvil Mans Trammel House
  • 10. Grenadier Hall
  • 11. "A Large Roack..."
  • 12. Hew's Workshop
  • 13. Church Of Cove
  • 14. The Flame Of Tar Valon
  • 15. Ros Here!
  • 16. Hoagie's Place
  • 17. Tent in the tanners camp
  • 18. Scouts Gate Post
  • 19. Grenadier Hall
  • 20. Scout Watchpost
  • 21. The Green Goblin
  • 22. The Town Hall
  • 23. The Barracks
  • 24. Cove Retreat
  • 25. Light Infantry Watch Tower
  • 26. Light Company Halls
  • 27. Pumpkin Seed
  • 28. A Covian Outpost
  • 29. Bluewater Merchandise
  • 30. Uiopa
  • 31. The Covian Gate
  • 32. Khaelieth's House (almost died there!)

Total: 32 lanterns!


[OOC]Sorry for the giga-sizes...[/OOC]

Now, meh believe, that it would be much safer to walk around Cove!
Although, have a look on this note (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,6631.0.html) - it might never be safe in Cove from now on...

Title: Re: The darkness does come....
Post by: Vince Valentine on November 15, 2006, 10:25:55 pm
Outstanding work as always Qom, and ye gave that Amon fella some work too.

90 shillings awarded