Title: Make The Town Hall Ready (COMPLETE) Post by: Raiden Morana on November 12, 2006, 03:47:32 pm The Task
Do ye hear that..? That's the sound of Cove's common folk hard at it... at work i mean. The Town Hall has been empty a while now and neglected. Clear the cobwebs, weed the grounds, scrub the doorstep, repair any dodgey floor boards and that sort of thing. Conditions *This task may be completed only once per character. *This is an entirely roleplay task. Include a detailed report with plenty of pictures. The Reward Shillings we be awarded for the quality and imagination of the report. Title: Re: Make The Town Hall Ready Post by: Averion on November 12, 2006, 08:15:40 pm Well howdy doo!
Crappy town 'all eh? ....I mean....Fixer-upper! Well this is how my great adventure started! I decided to repair a broken floorboard that i had put my foot through! Eww i know! (http://img161.imageshack.us/img161/5030/eeewwwaw3.png) After borrowing an axe from Hoagie i chopped some wood and placed them over the hole! (http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/6870/ffffffffqj1.png) Hargh! good work eh? Out of the corner of my eye i noticed a fleeing spider, running from my fierce hammer tap-Tapping! Squahed him and eradicated the cobweb he was shacked up in! (http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/2889/gggod8.png) Grand work eh? *Wink* Then sliiped on a disgusting bloody goo...thing! This was o'course seen to. (http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/9845/fffjr3.png) Please note that my cleaning buisness "The Magical Broomsticks" Is for hire; cleaning, Stocking, and decor are our main services! *Signed* Yuli Yammen! Title: Re: Make The Town Hall Ready Post by: Teagan Grayner on November 12, 2006, 08:22:52 pm Cleaning the town hall.
I woke up early this morning, Hoagie was still in bed so I decided to check the Citizen's jobs. I came across the one about cleaning the townhall and well, I clean up after Hoagie everyday I think I can clean a townhall! Pulling on my work clothes (Don't want to get my Goblin uniform dusty) I head over to the old townhall which is rather creepy that early in the morning! As I opened the door I was hit with a cloud of dust and the smell of must lingered in the room. But there was no time to waste and I started off cleaning all those nasty cobwebs in the corner of the room! (http://img124.imageshack.us/img124/5796/cobwebs1wy7.jpg) Giving the cobwebs a whack with my duster! After cleaning the one corner perhaps the worst one in the building I wandered around the room doing the rest of them. There was no problems until..I saw a giant spider with huge red eyes! I was brave however and whacked it with my duster, I didn't scream or cry.. no siry! (http://img112.imageshack.us/img112/5752/cobwebs2kx1.jpg) A huge spider! Look at its beady red eyes! After that horrible ordeal was over I got 'The Mop' from the goblin and began to mop the floor. All was going well until Qom came in dragging mud all over the floor! So I had to re-do it. (http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/2563/mop1hv9.jpg) I'll get you next time Qom!! While I was re-mopping the floor the ground began to shake almost knocking my bucket over and swallowing a lump in my throat I peeped outside the door. A HUGE troll was standing there! It roared viciously at me and I yelled for help, but no one heard. As brave as I am (or dumb) I brought up my mop and began battling the huge troll until it dropped dead! I wasn't seriously injured however my arm seems to hurt a lot when I try use it. After it died, then help came. (http://img114.imageshack.us/img114/9679/troll1np9.jpg) Die hideious troll. After slipping the mop away and giving my battered arm a small massage I got back to work in weeding the garden in front of the town hall. Oh how weedy the poor Poppy's were and it took quite a while to get them all out! (http://img329.imageshack.us/img329/1759/weed1fa6.jpg) Damn weeds making the gardens ugly. After that there was not much else to be done except the windows and filling the braziers with coal. There were a few holes in the floorboards but i've never been much of a wood worker, would ruin my soft skin! Grabbing a large bag of coal from the provisoners store I set back to the townhall and began carefully putting the pieces in the braziers. (http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/8378/bazier1rx6.jpg) Burn baby burn! And finally, the windows they were SO grubby they turned my cloth black and I wasn't very pleased! However now they sparkled as the sunshines and I think everyone will be pleased with the results. (http://img119.imageshack.us/img119/1415/windows1wt4.jpg) Sparkly clean! Title: Re: Make The Town Hall Ready Post by: Raiden Morana on November 12, 2006, 08:45:27 pm Yuli awarded 40 Shillings
Teagan awarded 75 Shillings Fantastic report lass! |