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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on November 16, 2006, 09:46:40 am

Title: Cave stomping Covians
Post by: Vince Valentine on November 16, 2006, 09:46:40 am
Guardsmen attending:

Vince Valentine            Grenadier Sergeant  (Leading)
Raiden Morana             Grenadier Corporal
Hoagie                         O.C. Dragoons
Eve                               Guardsman Recruit
Snudrud                       Guardsman Recruit    (Left near the the start)
Larten                           Regular Hunter

I watched the guardsmen closely, as they relaxed outside the barracks. Though they seemed happy enough, I knew what was really going through their minds. Oh yes.
They craved the blood of evildoers, I could see it in their eyes.....

So off we went! Through the swamps of one of the ilshnear shrines, i forget which. After all, the scouts are the route markers and such, and being short of any scouts at all, we carried on with a joyful ignorance, and a feeling of...yes, excitement! Where would we end up? That's the way old Vince does it *Nods firmly*

After a smooth march through the swamps, we ended up at a cave opening, which we entered with caution. The cave opened up into a long tunnel, with little resistance met. Until that is, we got a little deeper....


Legions of elemental horrors came down upon us, and we quickly formed up and stood our ground. Needless to say, they didn't last long, and we strutted deeper still, where we took down an elemental of pure acid!

It seems this steaming horror was merely a guard. A guard for what, i hear you ask....

Dear lord...

A horse of the blackest black, with devil red eyes and a harsh temper! It came at us fast, and we readied ourselves as best we could. Twas a long, rough battle, but we emerged victorious!

It'd been a long trip, and we'd shown our swagger, so I ordered a forced march back to the barracks, where i congratulated the guardsmen on a job well done and rewarded them for their efforts, before dismissing them. Another victory for the Covian heroes.

           Vince Valentine
         Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: Cave stomping Covians
Post by: Raiden Morana on November 16, 2006, 09:59:05 am
Aye that's right Vince! Blood and gore is what us Covians crave!


I mean peace and freedom! That's right... peace and freedom!

We showed them evil beggars a thing or two!


Raiden, Grenadier Corporal.