Title: Virtue Training with Mentor Post by: Eve Thenasa on November 18, 2006, 03:39:18 pm Event:- Training 18/11/2006 at 12.04
Purpose:- A grenadier will most likely take the path of Honor! that is "the courage to defend and uphold the truth against all odds" Guardsmen in Attendance:- Raiden Morana, Grenadier Corporal Eve, Guardsman Recruit and aspiring Grenadier After being sent for, by my mentor Raiden, I was informed that we would be travelling to Despise, for my lesson in Honor. I was very apprehensive, although I dared not admit this to him and tried desperately to conceal it. I had never before been to this Dungeon, and had no idea as to what evil lay within it's depths. Before we entered, he warned me to keep close, to be alert and to heal at the first wound. (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/honor1.jpg) my apologies for the very green paint spill He instructed me that we would take turns to Honor an opponent, whilst the other was to heal. (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/honor2.jpg) This he said was how it would be done:- You will face your opponent, bow to them, and speak the words, “I honor you.” You then must defeat your opponent in an honorable fashion, and by this I was to understand that I must:-
Title: Re: Virtue Training with Mentor Post by: Averion on November 18, 2006, 03:43:22 pm Honor is indeed the best path to turn down.
Grand report and yer skills in painting are improving i see? *Grins* (OOC Huzzah for 2D) *Signed* Averion, Watchman and another aspiring grenadier! Title: Re: Virtue Training with Mentor Post by: Raiden Morana on November 18, 2006, 03:49:29 pm Good work Eve.
Honour is indeed the prime virtue for a Grenadier! 'Tis a long path and a lot of training but ye have taken the first steps. Well done! For the Baron. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. p.s. Yes those paintings are looking fine now recruit... ye sure painting meh green was an accident? *grins* Title: Re: Virtue Training with Mentor Post by: Averion on November 18, 2006, 04:03:46 pm Wait a Moment!
You AREN'T green? *Rubs eyes* Title: Re: Virtue Training with Mentor Post by: Eve Thenasa on November 18, 2006, 04:04:25 pm *a note addressed to Raiden Morana, written in all seriousness* Twas not intentional sir, I assure thee. *tries to amend the painting" Title: Re: Virtue Training with Mentor Post by: userjosh5368 on November 18, 2006, 04:08:50 pm Honour is indeed a powerful virtue to learn as is Sacrfice but Corporal Morana will teach you that another time.... and yes good report recruit keep up the good work
Signed Demarian Tel'var |