Title: *Assignment: Kurt* Post by: Military Command on November 21, 2006, 10:16:14 am Kurt Alimar... A fine guardsmen!
Loyal, disciplined and good in a fight! Let's see what he's like out of uniform. Assignment: Host A Tavern Night! The guardsmen deserve a night off and it's up to you Kurt to arrange a tavern night for them! Contact the Green Goblin's head barmaid Teagen (Flina's sister), to arrange bar staff for the evening and also include some fun and games such as a darts contest, lottery, joke/story telling event, a band/bard, best outfit competition, speed dating *coughs* or somesuch... it's up to you! Also encourage the guardsmen to get their glad rags on as they will be off duty after all! Conditions: A full report including paintings to be posted by you in this thread. The event should last for no less than an hour and at least 3 forms of entertainment must be included. Good luck Kurt! Military Command. Title: Re: *Assignment: Kurt* Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on December 03, 2006, 11:59:13 pm Aye I'll get this done this week!