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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Military Command on November 22, 2006, 09:36:09 am

Title: *Assignment: Perun*
Post by: Military Command on November 22, 2006, 09:36:09 am
Perun... Aint seen much of her around... then again she is a Scout.

Always got an evil glint in her... *shifty eyes*


Junior Perun, You are to hold a sentry at Cove Gates, the Altmere Outpost and the Barracks.

Question any travellers as to there business in the Covian Shire and challenge anyone who looks suspicious.


A full report with pictures is to be posted by you or someone attending in this thread.

Good luck Junior!

Military Command.

Title: Re: *Assignment: Perun*
Post by: Perun on November 22, 2006, 09:02:34 pm
Sentry - Cove Gates.

Attended by:

Perun, Junior Scout (leading)
Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant
Hoagie, Dragoon Officer Cadet
Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout
Nicholi, Regular Dragoon
Flina, Junior Guardsman
Eve, Recruit

Kal, Vince, Nich', Eve and myself rallied at the barracks and made our way to Cove Gates. I started on the sentry position construction while the others searched the woods for animals to slay for hides.

On their return the outpost started to take shape and it was at this point that we were joined by Hoagie and Flina.


When it was completed I sent Hoagie, Nich' and Eve to patrol the town while the rest of us stood guard.


The patrol returned to report all was well in the town and with us in the outpost untroubled by anyone I lined everyone up for dismissal.


Perun, Junior Scout.

Title: Re: *Assignment: Perun*
Post by: Perun on November 28, 2006, 10:09:46 pm
Barracks Sentry

Attended by:
Perun, Junior Scout (leading)
Vince Valentine, Grenadier Corporal
Hoagie, Officer Cadet
Flina, Junior Guardsman
Averion, Watchman
Amy, Watchman
Eve, Watchman
Xander, Guardsman Recruit
Thomas Sendrich, Retired Dragoon/Commoner

This report covers my second of three sentries. I gathered the troops outside the barracks where i had already dropped off some crates with which to build the outpost.

I went off into the woods to collect hides while the others built the sentry post.

Once it was done everyone took up their assigned positions and were told to look sharp!


Nothing much to report... it was pretty quiet until Vince started his damn singing!


Eventually he was shouted down and began to go on about how he could have made it as a singer but he had to deliver the Poste as a lad and missed his chance.


The barracks safe from attack and nothing suspicous to report i dismissed everyone.

Perun, Junior Scout.