Title: This Is Cove!? Post by: Averion on November 25, 2006, 06:49:45 pm So...This be Cove?!
Let me just say...I like it! Noticed a leaflet in my home town, Britain! (http://i15.tinypic.com/2yxp6x2.jpg) *Join BoC!* I decided, what the hey....Time for an adventure. I left the shackles of british Politics and society behind as i stepped through the portal. Minoc was my destination, a rough place, ever since the battle. This roughness only amplified by the fact that i had never left Britain! Running along the road was a cold and hard task. Nevertheless, my self-made clothes kept the cold out. (http://i7.tinypic.com/2prxroz.jpg) *Cold seems to burden Cove!* After i had ran off the worst of the cold, i noticed a few brigands up ahead. A fairly pretty young lady stepped forward and, to my suprise, pulled out a sharp blade! Demanding my gold and cloth, or my life would be forfeit! Cheeky blighters. (http://i10.tinypic.com/4g7wkg9.jpg) *"Don't be stupid now!"* I finally reached the barracks, a wallet lighter, Frostbitten and frustrated with what Cove ahd turnt out to be! I made an attempt to join, and while writing this, i am still standing out in the cold on your front step! (http://i7.tinypic.com/2u59m39.jpg) *"Get yer butt's here!* *A little slip of leather with writing of the finest quality is tacked to the board!* Edward O'shea, Bloody freezing tailor!! |