Title: Apprentice tasks: Xander Laedon Post by: Vince Valentine on November 29, 2006, 09:48:50 am New apprentice eh? Lets see if he has the bronze stuff!
Greetings Recruit Xander, and congratulations on getting a handsome, brave swagger-tastic new Mentor! That's me by the way *Clears his throat* Now, as my apprentice, i'd like you to complete a few tasks for me to give you a taste of what's to come. Task One For your first task, you'll be travelling to the mountain of the wind. A nest of unspeakably creepy ant-like creatures live there. Slay five of the black solon queens there. Task two Begin your training in the virtue of honour. This is a vital virtue within the Grenadiers, showing that we fight honourably against even the foulest of foes. I'd like you to reach the second path in honour. That should keep you going a fair while my man. Reports of both tasks should be posted in this thread. Any issues, problems or questions, send me a pigeon and i'll be happy to assist. Good luck Recruit Xander, and never forget, wherever you are, swagger! *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: Apprentice tasks: Xander Laedon Post by: Xander Laedon on November 30, 2006, 06:59:37 am Task One
Late inta the evenin' I travelled to the area known as "wind". I stepped into what some would call a maze. I travelled all through the dirt trails, with the mountains all around me I had no where to run, if need be. The first Black Ant I came across didn' seem queen like. It's pouch was alo' smaller than some of the others. I made quick work of this ant and moved furthe' down the trail. Finally I foun' an ant queen. She proved a tougher figh' than the other black ants. With a bi' of work I slayed the first queen and looted her entire corpse. After what seem ta be a while, I slayed five ant queens. Along the way I killed roughly two orges and a dozen or so minor black ants. Quite often I was taking on two-three at a time. I made roughly 6712 gold pieces fer the Grenadier tower! (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v610/Dormack/AntQueens.jpg) Title: Re: Apprentice tasks: Xander Laedon Post by: Vince Valentine on November 30, 2006, 08:46:49 am Harr! An excellent start Xander!
Gold for the Grenadier fund too eh eh? That's swagger indeed *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: Apprentice tasks: Xander Laedon Post by: Xander Laedon on December 02, 2006, 08:34:06 pm Task Two
After many hunts and solo mission's to Shame, I achieved my second level of honor. I will maintain this level, and perhaps further myself in the virutes in the future. Thank's to this task, I am working on compassion. This will allow me to help my fellow Covian soldiers heal quicker after they fall in battles. //signed// Guardsmen Recruit Xander Laedon, X. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v610/Dormack/2ndhonour.jpg) |