Title: Slayers of a thousand dragons Post by: Vince Valentine on December 06, 2006, 08:54:55 am Guardsmen attending:
Xander Guardsman Recruit Eve Watchman Del'zar Watchman Tyrael Styx Watchman Kelly Junior Scout Jack Sinist Junior Guardsman Hoagie Officer Cadet, Dragoons Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Recruits eh? Some have a tendancy to go missing suddenly. Lately, a large group has just disappeaed into thin air, seemingly during a visit to the caves known as Destard, so we popped along to see what we could find. Upon entering, it was buisness as usual there, with many adventurers slaying the beasts. We weaved through the battling hordes, and soon were set upon ourselves! A Dragon, as big as a ship. A really big ship! It attacked, and we stood firm, and a little elven chap even came to assist us... (http://img175.imageshack.us/img175/9848/dragon1uk4.jpg) Umm hello elven chap.....who the heck are you??? Obviously he wanted to show his skill to the finest army in the lands eh? With still no sign of the missing recruits, we delved deeper to where the air was thick and the darkness even thicker... Suddenly we heard a hiss! An unholy hiss! We turned, to see an ancient looking reptile seemingly stuck between some rocks! Obviously his eyes were bigger than his belly...Oh wait, no, his belly was definitly bigger than his eyes, the fat little lizard... (http://img291.imageshack.us/img291/2513/dragon2fq3.jpg) HoHo! I'd switch to the diet brand of recruit if i were you, you lardy dragon Deciding that the evil thing would suffer more left where it was, we battled our way towards the entrance. With no sign of the recruits, we decided to head out. Perhaps that vile dragon-like creature ate them, i don't know. The only way to be sure would be to check it's....waste, and there's no way i'm getting elbow deep in dragons crap for anyone! We shall continue the search.... Status of the missing recruits - Still missing Good job to all you fine guardsmen, we showed those scaly freaks who's in charge. Cove! *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant |