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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on December 13, 2006, 09:26:08 am

Title: Titan-ing security
Post by: Vince Valentine on December 13, 2006, 09:26:08 am
Guardsmen attending:

Eve                        Watchman
Raziel Richter         Sergeant     (Leading)
Kal shadowhand    Regular Scout
Vince Valentine      Grenadier Sergeant

Itching for a little action, the guardsmen lined up in front of Raz.
Where to go, where to go....?
Just as we were deciding, Raz announced he had a place in mind....

"Titans!" He bellowed. He wanted the head of a titan, on the double, so off we went! Through two headed dopey sods, and trolls galore, we headed deep within despise. Nothing could stop this runaway wagon, heck no!
Kal took great delight in slaying the many trolls that lurked, for he hates them with a burning passion. Watchman Eve showed some mighty fancy bowmanship, impressing even I, Vince Valentine!

We arrived where the tians do roam, and began the slaughter. Twas no challenge for a group of seasoned guardsmen like us, so Raz ordered a slow march to the lair of the mighty ogre lords...

The dirty thieves!

We fared a little less well here, with three of them surrounding us and managing to knock a couple of us out. We soon oiled their lanterns though, oh yes! Many an ogre fell that day, all in the name of Cove, and it's brave, heroic, highly attractive guardsmen.

           Vince Valentine
         Grenadier Sergeant