Title: Watchman Trial: Eve [COMPLETE] Post by: Darath Mithar on December 14, 2006, 02:32:36 pm Darath cursed under his breath, stamping his feet in a vain attempt to warm himself. The measly light from his candle doing little to aid his vision, he peered at the paperwork in front of him. ‘Watchman Eve’. Darath grunted, another female Guardsman rising fast through the ranks. “The times they are a changing. Woman can do stuff now it seems”. Reluctantly Darath flexed his cold, aching fingers and begin to write.
Watchman Trial: Eve Addressed to Watchman Eve Greetings Watchman Eve. You shall have to be hardy and focused to complete these tasks in the dead of winter. I hope you have a strong hide and a stronger constitution. Assignments: OOC conditions: • At least 5 Guardsmen must accompany you on the recruitment drive. • You must stay in Britain for at least 45 minutes. • Contact a number of Covian citizens to help organise the banquet. Perhaps a nicely styled invitation would entice people to come? • Contact a member of the church to accompany you on the Covetous hunt. • At least 5 Guardsmen (including the churchie) must be present during the hunt. • All assignments must be well documented with full reports in this thread. Good Luck Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve Post by: Eve Thenasa on January 10, 2007, 09:11:43 am Before the hunt a briefing which can be found here (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,6891.msg55618.html#msg55618), was posted on the events board, for interested folk to read. (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/cleanseliche.jpg) Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve Post by: Raiden Morana on January 10, 2007, 10:00:46 am Damn fine work Eve - a grand report and very well done leading such a large force!
An excellent start to your trials - keep it up! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. [ooc]Well done everyone who took part - an excellent turn out![/ooc] Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve Post by: userjosh5368 on January 10, 2007, 10:59:40 am Nice report as always lass keep it up and your be a sister in are regiment.
Signed Demarian Tel'var Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve Post by: Falconheart on January 10, 2007, 04:32:19 pm Aye very nice report Eve! And I agree it was not easy keep that many babboons at bay *laughs*
*signed* Falconheart,Watchman Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve Post by: Eve Thenasa on January 23, 2007, 12:42:49 am With ideas as to what a banquet should be, I approached Citizen Qom, since I knew him to be a fine wood craftsman. I needed him to craft tables and chairs amongst other things. He was in the process of making adjustments to his workshop, when I caught up with him, and I jokingly said it would make a fine banqueting hall! He agreed, so I had at last stumbled upon a place for the banquet to be held! I also approached an acquaintance, Axiana a commoner, whom I had encouraged to come and live in Cove. With not much work in the Cartography department, until our recent wars, she was in need of work. I know her to be a perfectionist when it comes to anything she does, and thus we discussed flowers, paintings, types of chairs/tables, food preparations and ideas for the setting up and laying out of the hall. Obviously our ideas combined with Qom's worked well. I posted a note (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,6886.0.html) on the board, requesting entertainers to come forward. With them I was able to work out a suitable time and date for the event. Upon obtaining appropriate stationary, I wrote my invites to the Baron (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,7026.0.html), and later to the Guardsmen and Citizens of Cove. (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,7039.0.html)
*Eve falls into a chair, once the last guest has left to write up her next completed task* Event:- The Covian Winter Banquet held at Toothpick and Loveseat Woodworks 8pm In attendance:- Liege/Baron Octiovus von Richter Hrothgar De'Mar Hoagie, Captain Grief Dryfh Gry - Hardened Guardsman Darath Mithar - Officer Cadet Vince Valentine - Sergeant Grenadier Raiden Morana - Corporal Grenadier Gimbly - Regular Grenadier Conan Darkmoon - Junior Grenadier Jack Sinist - Junior Guardsman Regdar - Junior Guardsman Dalamar - Junior Scout Falconheart - Watchman Snudrud - Watchman Smudrud - Recruit Faden Wildheart - Recruit Qom Riyadh - Citizen Khaelieth - Citizen Ginger - Baron and guest's waitress Delfonso - Commoner Eve - Watchman Once the Baron had been seated, the other guests were allowed to enter. I asked Qom to man the door to check tickets, and Ginger to wait upon our Guests. All appeared to enjoy the variety of the cuisine and beverages available, and the entertainment got off to a prompt start, beginning with a poem, recited like a true poet by Qom Riyadh:- (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/b1.jpg) Methought I slept, and dreamed one day, That this old earth had passed away. A new world seemed to meet my view With all things beautiful and new. There seemed to be a richer life, Without depravity and strife. The houses all were painted there; No heart bowed down with black despair. The rosy sunset shed a glow O'er houses neat, not built for show. No neighbor's house stood dim and dark Beside a mansion and a park. I said, "What meaneth this new life? "Where is the wanton greed and strife ?" I saw the flag: shadow tan, and brown was too : points at the Covian banner Above it was the ensign true, And brotherhood was written there. It tells us other's burdens share That all may help to bear the load Of other pilgrims on life's road. A new awakening o'er the land Was started by a faithful band. They talked, they prayed, they brought to view "I am my brother's keeper." You May not stand by and wink at greed While human beings are in need. And so a purpose o'er this land Was started by that loyal band; From North to South, from East to West, Homes were reclaimed, all families blessed, Stranger or friend, for all below We're brothers and we feared no foe. And in that dawning day, no sword or bow Protects our harbor and our home. There is no need that bloody strife Should thus destroy our brave boys'life. Our noble flag - shadow tan, and brown too Has made us patriotic true. But let another banner wave Above each home our land to save. Let brotherhood be written, please, And fling it forth to catch the breeze. Let us behold it everywhere, An ensign, other's burdens bear. Fling out the flag and let it wave, And with old Glory help to save A world today that asks relief. This sad world is a world of grief. Let banners wave o'er every home Proclaiming Brotherhood has come. Read The Tome and don't forget Thou art thy brother's keeper yet. (OOC:- (c) 2002 Nettie Squire Sutton, modified by Qom) The next entertainment provided by Khae was a magical show that was truly magnificent. Captain Hoagie felt obliged to be a part of this entertainment by becoming an assistant to our great magician, who miraculously turned our good captains face into the covian colours of our flag! I was not sure how, but our magician at one point managed to turn himself into a chicken! I checked for trap doors in Qoms house afterwards, but alas could find none, I had also looked under the tables at the time! He had everyone at the edge of their seats with his trick using a substance known as blackrock, of course it could not have been the real substance for no-one in the room would have been left alive! but I had a little too much faith in his abilities as a magician, and when he spoke the magic words to blow it up, Qoms rug, Hoagie's hair and my dress were a little singed in places after a massive explosion! (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/b2.jpg) Next in the line of entertainers was Vince to tell us the beautiful but sad story of Jack and Sarah. (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/b3.jpg) "Long ago, there was a man named Jack, who lived happily in his hometown. Now, ever since he could remember, Jack had held a secret. His childhood friend, a young lass named Sarah, he did love with all of his heart, and yet could never muster the courage to tell her. They both did grow up together, until they were in their twenties, Jack still harbouring his secret love. One summers Morn, Jack received a letter. It did bring exciting, yet grave news. He was to fight, called up to serve his homeland, in the war that raged in far away lands. Jack knew that he may not return, and could not bear the thought of his sweet Sarah never knowing how he truly felt, so he wrote a letter, and poured all of his heart and soul into it, expressing how he truly felt. He placed this letter atop sarahs porch early on the morning that he was to leave, urging her to write to him if she did indeed feel the same. Twas early, and Jack knew that she would discover it as she woke and came outside. He walked to the docks, and that was the last he'd see of his hometown for many a month... Months did pass, and Jack received no word from his beloved Sarah. He was heartbroken, for she didn't feel the same, or she surely would have written. Many more months passed, until it was two years since he'd left his hometown that chilly October morn. Out of seemingly nowhere, his service was at an end. He could return home.... Upon returning, he paused, and quickly made his way to his beloved Sarah's house. Even if she did not feel the same, he simply had to see her. He climbed the steps to her house and Gingerly knocked on the door, only to be met by sarahs mother. She motioned him inside and they talked at some length. Jack left the house sometime later, a single tear rolling down his cheek. For you see, Sarah did indeed feel the same, and on the morning that she left, she awoke early, heading for the porch. Discovering the letter, she quickly dashed to try and meet her jack, before he set sail, to tell him her true feelings. Alas, it was a dark morning, and the ground was slippery. Not far from the docks, she did slip, and bash her head, tumbling into the icy water. Her body was discovered later that day... So you see Dear Covians, cherish the ones that you hold dear, and be thankful you have them, and never forget the tragic tale of Jack, and poor Sarah..." Snud and Smud were extremely excited about their entertainment. They started off with, what I thought was a foreign language, but I later realised that they were just talking nonsense. They then proceeded to encourage the guests to empty their pockets of any loose change (I think they would have done better just simply stealing their money), most of whom were reluctant to part with any. To top their entertainment they ran off with what little they had obtained, and I introduced the next entertainment swiftly. (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/b4.jpg) Raiden Morana sang a song for us all, he really has an amazingly mellow singing voice, some nodded or swayed along as he sang. <img src="http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/b5.jpg> “Chimes sing sunday morn Today's the day shes sworn To steal what she never could own And flee from this hole she calls home As the miles they disappear See land begin to clear Free from the filth and Yew scum This Sosarian satelites won Shell carry on through it all Shes a waterfall See the steeple pine The hills as old as time Soon to be put to the test To be whipped by the winds of the west Stands on shifting sands The scales held in her hands The wind it just whips her away And fills up her brigantine sails Shell carry on through it all Shes a waterfall Shell carry on through it all Shes a waterfall” (OOC:- Raiden’s rendition of Stone Roses - Waterfall) The evening's entertainment was ended with a boxing match. First off Vince and Hoagie. It seemed that very few people were routing for Hoagie (who appeared to be very phased by this) both punched each other in well, but it was Vince who eventually knocked Hoagie to the ground. Next up to fight were Khae and Conan, some very good left hooks from Khae, but it was Conan who managed to take him down with a right hook. The two winners now to fight. After Vince took a punch to the chin, he was none too pleased and sent his left fist flying into Conan's nose, and as his head went flying to the side, the blood splattered up Qom's clean walls. Conan went down after he was hit a few more times, and Vince the Champion was awarded his cheque of 5000gp. Both Conan and Vince kept their red boxing gloves and belts as reminder of this eve. (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/b6.jpg) *signed tiredly* Eve, Watchman Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve Post by: Raiden Morana on January 23, 2007, 08:13:44 am Grand work apprentice!
Now get on with that final task! *grins* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve Post by: Vince Valentine on January 23, 2007, 08:14:38 am An evening to be remembered for many years to come.
Good stuff watchman Eve, and very nicely written. *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve Post by: Eve Thenasa on January 26, 2007, 12:35:48 pm (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/rment.jpg) (http://homepages.tesco.net/sharon.w/promotejunior.jpg) Promoted to Junior Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve Post by: Raiden Morana on January 26, 2007, 12:41:17 pm Good job Watchman!
I'm sure we'll have converted a few loyalists to the cause. A fine display throughout yer trials! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve [COMPLETE] Post by: Darath Mithar on January 26, 2007, 12:50:51 pm Fine work Watchman Eve.
*Signed* Officer Cadet Mithar Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve [COMPLETE] Post by: userjosh5368 on January 26, 2007, 09:14:07 pm Grand work eve soon you will be the
Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve [COMPLETE] Post by: Smudrud on January 27, 2007, 12:25:09 pm Hurrah!
Great Eve! *signed* Smudrud Title: Re: Watchman Trial: Eve [COMPLETE] Post by: Salidin on January 27, 2007, 08:19:04 pm Eve this was one of the best documented and carried out tasks i have seen very well done and i look forward in seeing you in the grenaidiers
Signed Salidin |