Title: Assassin on the loose! Post by: Perrin on December 16, 2006, 11:37:30 am *A hastily scribbled note is stuck to the board. The word Assassin is scrawled in large thick letters at the top*
Assassin! While walking through cove this morning I was ambushed by a lone man. He said "Cove will fall...soon" and commenced in assaulting me! (http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q292/perrin-13/UO0009-1.jpg) His skill in combat was astonishing and I fought 'gainst him like a child 'gainst an ettin! Being so nimble and fast, he quickly disarmed me and beat me down. I believe the only reason I be alive now is he wished for me to deliver a message. He said he would be back for others as well! (http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q292/perrin-13/UO0012.jpg) He was upon me so quickly I barely had time to defend myself. Believe he was wearing a red leather tunic...well it may have been green... *Signed* Perrin Stonespear, Guardsmen Recruit Title: Re: Assassin on the loose! Post by: Eve Thenasa on December 16, 2006, 12:00:25 pm *reads the above notice, and remembers Perrin describing the Assassin when she she saw him shortly after the attack...obviously a disguise, yet the discription he gave her reminded her of someone she is sure she knows! *