Title: Report: Burned bottom Post by: Snudrud on December 17, 2006, 12:29:02 am When: Satuarday, 16.12.06 Lead by: The marvelous Snudrud Attended by: Hoagie the chubby, Perrin and father peopleburner Odenetheus. Odenetheus threatened to burn peoplw, if we didnt go kill something, so we gathered outside the barracks. (http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/3581/uo0010nu1.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) I told the humans to hurry up, and they ran....oooh yeah (http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/7598/uo0011wl5.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) And Perrin was last.....did turn out that i hadnt motivated him enough. (http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/2118/uo0013mk2.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) Our father Odenetheus did what he can best...... (http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/893/uo0019gh7.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) The orcs were too many! We had to have a tactical withdrawl (http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/1018/uo0023zh9.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) Hoagie had to play hero....but Perrin was still running. (http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/6961/uo0024li8.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) After defeating many orcs, we found the source of the orcs. A portal! (http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/2140/uo0039tv0.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) After a brief discussion we went home. We had once more saved Cove from a dire peril!. (http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/2140/uo0039tv0.jpg) (http://imageshack.us) Your hero goblin; Snudrud Title: Re: Report: Burned bottom Post by: Vince Valentine on December 17, 2006, 05:30:42 pm Good work, goblin features!
Seems you gave those orcs a good going over. Keep it up, and we'll be orc free in no time. *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: Report: Burned bottom Post by: Odenetheus on December 18, 2006, 06:34:43 pm [OOC: Printscreen evidence of me using banned skills! Oh no!]
Title: Re: Report: Burned bottom Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on December 18, 2006, 09:01:35 pm [OOC: Spirit Speek is banned??]