Title: The Return Post by: Darek Milako on December 23, 2006, 12:52:29 am *In the barracks sits newly Captain Hoagie of Cove, admiring his new badge the door opens and walks in a drow*
*Asking who he is, Hoagie looks at him in an odd way. The Drow, saying he doesnt remember alot, begins telling Hoage,* *The Drow doesn't remember his name but remembers stuff like Grenades Valentini Mela Archy Vlad Vlad Skara Brae Brothers Hoggy snakes and the letter D* *Curious of all of this, Hoagie begins to try and help the Drow, finding out this is what he ment Grenadiers Vince Valentine Mela Erik Arkay Vlad Vlad Ironside Born in Skara Brae had Brothers Hoagie fought snakes and that his name was Darek Milako!* *Turns out the Drow was the Returning Grenadier Darek Milako who left to find his parents and was turned into a Drow by a witch. Now on his search for a power strong enough to cure his "Drowness". Darek comes back to the one place he knows as home, in sadness to find that his parents are dead.* Title: Re: The Return Post by: Darath Mithar on December 23, 2006, 01:27:34 pm [OOC:] Your Admin Profile (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,4887.msg45773.html#msg45773) has been returned to the admin boards. Welcome back!