Title: *A Notice Pinned on the Barracks Entry Door States* Post by: Darek Milako on December 28, 2006, 11:22:44 pm By order of Captain Hoagie.
If seen, Recruit Zakery Xilotzin shall be arrested and reported to either
He is wearing: Large cloak that covers his face and held together by two gold pins Covian Outfit He is wanted for: Disobeying direct orders from commanding officers Not wearing the correct Covian wardrobe Calling his superiors fools. He will be arrested and lashed for these crimes by order of Captain Hoagie. *signed* Junior Grenadier Darek Milako Title: Re: *A Notice Pinned on the Barracks Entry Door States* Post by: Hoagie on December 29, 2006, 02:32:12 am Err, the lashes were an example... Bit harsh, I say! Make him run laps or something!
*Signed* Title: Re: *A Notice Pinned on the Barracks Entry Door States* Post by: Hoagie on December 29, 2006, 06:09:49 pm *The note is scribbled hastily.*
On second thoughts, call off the laps! Sounds like a grand chap to me! I'm sure he has good reason for his actions! Title: Re: *A Notice Pinned on the Barracks Entry Door States* Post by: Averion on December 29, 2006, 06:25:18 pm *Eyes the noe and the way in which it is scribbled!*
Meh'thinks ya beens tainted loik!! Oi'll foind dis mans! |