Title: Darek's new swords! Post by: Averion on December 29, 2006, 09:47:53 pm Mr. Milako approached me after some kind of a Cadre or somehing and kinly chatted away to me. He went on to ask me what i did as a profession. I said, not much, as the tasks of late are like Grief's coking! Hard and DRY!
He offered me a deal, protection from Undead and such for a couple of my finest swords. I, of course, obligd ad go to workin'. Not too much later i was finished, and with a quick imprinting* on the swords, I layed them down and let them cool off! (http://i14.tinypic.com/2zr02gm.jpg) *The Imprint was "Eliza's metal ware's!" Met him in th' Tavern and told him i even made some practicing sticks made from local Covian wood, well, never kno what ya might poke out untrained *Smiles* Also i had made him an axe for if he ever was called upon to gaher resources for Cove like last night! Thanks for the oppurtunity Mr. Milako *Signed curvatiously* Eliza Locke, Mothers name, Milligan. Title: Re: Darek's new swords! Post by: Averion on December 31, 2006, 04:46:00 pm I get some shillings for this?
*Holds her hands out* Title: Re: Darek's new swords! Post by: Garak Nightchill on December 31, 2006, 08:36:45 pm 30 shillings awarded - Eliza Locke