Title: An evening of crates, hides and turds Post by: Vince Valentine on December 30, 2006, 10:46:38 am Guardsmen attending:
Darek Milako Junior Grenadier (Leading) Hoagie Captain Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Erik Arkay Senior Guardsman Kal shadowhand Regular Scout Dalamar Junior Scout Kelly Junior Scout Joey Lanai Regular Dragoon Flina Trix Junior Dragoon Falconheart Watchman Richard Reeth Guardsman Recruit Fresno Guardsman Recruit Desperado Guardsman Recruit It started out as normal, with our sentry being constructed just outside Coves main gates. There were a good group of guardsmen in attendance, and it was lucky there was, for something foul lurked in the air..... Something that reeked of turds..... (http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/5654/sen1ul4.jpg) All hail Cove, in all it's wooden crated glory! We took our positions and proceeded to keep the camp secure, whilst a group of guardsmen were sent to secure the surrounding area. All was well, until Grief came running back, obviously troubled! Following him into the woods, i quickly saw why..... Bandits! Not just any bandits either, according tio their leader, they were known as the 'Turd Bandits'! They had my dear, sweet Kelly hostage, so Grief and I gave them the old Covian talking down, until they were so rattled that the released my little tulip and came at us! Grief was having none of this, and quickly adopted what I think was 'Angry ape stance'. Alas, they managed to knock me down, just as the rest of the guardsmen arrived on the scene. They quickly gave chase, attempting to capture the three bandits of brown... (http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/6113/s2nc8.jpg) You'd better run, bandit! After a long and tiring battle, it emerged that the Turd Bandits were none other than Erik, Mela and Joey, testing our reflexes! The little tinkers! *Waves a playful fist* All in all, a well led, exciting sentry, and a fine return for our very own Darak Milako. Good job Darak, and well done to all guardsmen attending. *Signed* Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant Title: Re: An evening of crates, hides and turds Post by: Dalamar on December 30, 2006, 04:35:27 pm *reads the post*
You missed me Title: Re: An evening of crates, hides and turds Post by: Vince Valentine on December 31, 2006, 01:14:12 pm So i did, lets see now...
*Edits the report accordingly* |