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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Khaelieth on January 02, 2007, 11:53:13 am

Title: A shop poll
Post by: Khaelieth on January 02, 2007, 11:53:13 am
Also please leave the desired material :)

Cheers, Khae

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on January 03, 2007, 09:14:04 pm
Be sure to add some dull copper (high durability) and gold (40% lower requirements).
As for the other materials, I am not so sure every recruit should walk aorund with a valorite weapon.

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Mela Arkay on January 03, 2007, 09:30:11 pm
Ugh coloured weapons look poo.

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on January 03, 2007, 10:55:32 pm
I'm an avid opposer of any weapon that isn't regular colour or dyed shadow given our uniform

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Khaelieth on January 04, 2007, 01:12:58 pm
Put some recall scrolls up for sale east of the gate. 50 gold per scrolls. I am considering selling them cheaper.

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Raiden Morana on January 04, 2007, 01:18:49 pm
Before i let my old place go to the Dragoons i had a few vendors selling RP wares such as bedrolls, torches & bandies (at a loss i might add :P) recalls, food, parade arms, arrows, bolts, furniture etc.

But that was when the civvie element was non existent and i just did it to keep me busy and help out folks who needed quick bandies or a spare parade arm.

So long as the vendor sticks to this kinda stuff I think it's ok.

Coloured weps are poo (*hides bright red mace* - it's the sentimental value... *retires it*)

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on January 04, 2007, 11:40:15 pm
Ugh coloured weapons look poo.
I totally agree'

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on January 05, 2007, 01:24:29 am
Put some recall scrolls up for sale east of the gate. 50 gold per scrolls. I am considering selling them cheaper.

Not to rain on your parade, but some NPC mages sell them in bulk (999) at prices ranging between 37 and 45 in towns.

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Khaelieth on January 05, 2007, 01:35:39 am
Hrm. I'll see into that.

Nasty cut-price union EA NPC's!

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Grazgorn on January 06, 2007, 05:53:50 pm
Yeah, I don't like coloured weps either.

On the other hand, one thing that should be forbidden is altering your uniform!

You are given for example shadow platemail arms, and then you decide, you make some suuupergood valorite platemail arms and colours them in a shadow hue (tokuno pigments). And there! 70 in all resistances!

I've seen it within BoC and frankly, I don't like it... You are given an armour because you are meant to wear it, not to put it away and make your own überplatemailset.

So I think there should be a law about that!

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Delcarakdur on January 09, 2007, 06:24:25 pm
And I think Grazgorn is right...But to the matter...A firm No to colored Weapons from me! Only thing might be shadow iron colored ones for the scouts as camouflaged blades...Etc...

Title: Re: A shop poll
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on January 09, 2007, 09:38:30 pm
And I think Grazgorn is right...But to the matter...A firm No to colored Weapons from me! Only thing might be shadow iron colored ones for the scouts as camouflaged blades...Etc...
Aye I agree, I particularly like the Shadow Colored Ornate Axes..