Title: The so called Redhand Post by: Locke DaOrt on March 30, 2005, 01:53:41 am Those gits dared insult me and think they can get away with it!!
There be a merc company around er yew By the name of the "Red Hand" I'll pay 2,000 crowns per one ef there head's aslong as yer got proof (Red Hand is a RP division of Thf) Title: Re: The so called Redhand Post by: Park Su-mi on March 30, 2005, 11:16:06 am [Hehe, interesting, but OK. Just to clarify OOCly - though I'm sure any would be assassin is good enough to research their mark IC - "The Red Hand" is what members of The Black Caste go undercover as to work with Guard. You'll usually only see them in Stonekeep or out on manouvers with Guard. They'll be dressed in black and red and usually decked out in masks or hoods of some description. The Red Hand are not all Thf members, not all of the time]