Title: An Ol' Horror Tale From Skara Brae Post by: Darek Milako on January 08, 2007, 12:41:13 am The Midnight Macer
A long time ago, in the time of Mondain. There was a powerful, rich, and famous warrior from the town of Skara Brae. He was loyalty to the people and had a say in everything. Built like a bull, around 7'1" tall and had short brown hair with a brown goatee rounding off his mouth. His name was Marcley Braslem. One night Marcley went on a lumber run into the Skara Brae woods by the Brigand fort. Feeling that the Brigands were getting out of hand, he went over to their meeting tent to intrude, but stopped by an unknown, powerful voice. It called out his name, and being in shock, Marcley stood there as Brigands ran out to fetch him. Finally coming to his senses Marcley attempted to void off these outlaws, finally being captured with only killing about seven of them. Overwhelmed with Brigands, Marcley was tied up and blindfolded so he would not see the face that the powerful voice went to. After alot of rustling around, the Brigands finally settled down and released his bandana. Eyes opened as wide as a full moon, Marcley was face to face with the wretched Mondain himself. Struggling to free himself from his binds. Mondain lightly touched his right cheek speaking these words. "Marcley of Skara Brae, I know of your strength and power over your people, I have come here tonight in hopes of your assistance. I need you to take charge of Skara Brae and turn all the people into my minions. For I am building an army that will control all of Sosaria. You will be the General of this grand army. I dub you General Darkwatch. Now go and correct those who attempt to flee or reject my power. Being under control of the dark warlock, Marcley, now General Darkwatch was caste outside where from within the tent, you could hear his moans and screams. This once nice man was now a horrific monster created by Mondain himself. Standing at 7'5" and covered in pitch black armor, you can not even see his face, for it is hiddin within his black helmet only to reveal the red glow of his eyes. Standing up and weilding his incredibley large black chain mace. He set off to Skara Brae. The legend goes, that at night, you can still hear his horrid moans and screams and his footsteps through the villa. And if caught outside past dark, General Darkwatch, or now known as Midnight Macer, will pierce your body with his mace and then drag you to his lair, where he sacrafices you to Mondain and then eats your remains. This Folk Tale Is Usually Told To Little Kids So They Won't Sneak Out During The Middle Of The Night. Title: Re: An Ol' Horror Tale From Skara Brae Post by: Vince Valentine on January 08, 2007, 12:42:52 pm Spooky stuff! I for one shall be sleeping with my lantern on this eve!
(Nice read man *Thumbs up*) Title: Re: An Ol' Horror Tale From Skara Brae Post by: Conan Darkmoon on January 17, 2007, 04:49:00 am Cute Read. ;)