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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Vince Valentine on January 08, 2007, 11:13:29 am

Title: A Junior course? Of course, Junior!
Post by: Vince Valentine on January 08, 2007, 11:13:29 am
Guardsmen attending:
Supporting Guardsmen

Kal Shadowhand          Regular Scout
Garak Nightchill            Officer Cadet, Scouts

Junior Guardsmen attending
Darek Milako              Junior Grenadier
Salidin                        Junior Grenadier
Perun                         Junior Scout

Lead by Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant

Noticing that a fair few of our guardsmen were nearing the end of their Junior Training, I decided that a Junior Course was in order! There's no better sight than seeing a batch of our hard working guardsmen gaining rank, and these Juniors were no exception.

We began with an intense training, focusing on how to properly run certain events, and indeed making sure the guardsmen knew their onions. I explained how best to run a training, demonstrated by 'Vinces three point plan'. Perun explained this admirably, and the rest of the juniors present knew their stuff too.

Oh that Vince, he's so handsome *Swoons*

Satisfied that the juniors were confident in running both trainings and Cadres, we moved on to orders. I demonstrated how orders could come thinck and fast during battle, and the lads and lasses took this on board, not missing a single order of mine.

I'd spoken for some time now, and the Juniors looked twitchy...
Some Violence should sort that I thought, so It was time for the Physical Training. A Regular Guardsman must be able to take a hardy beating, so the object was to beat the living bejesus out of each other until i yelled halt.

Not the Raging panda!

Next, I would test their knowledge of orders on the battlefield. It is important to eliminate the strongest threat to your squad first and foremost, so i used some rather lithe dress forms, set up in an offensive position. I assigned each dress form a rank and Occupation, and it seems that Nikki, the magey dress form, lovely as she is, must die!

Oh aye, they look nice, but they'll kill you as soon as you turn your back!

After a few brief physical tasks, we moved on to phase two of the junior course, acting accordingly in the field! Here's how it worked:
An assortment of nasties needed slaying, so each Junior took a turn to lead, a different evil doer for each junior. We began with Sal, who lead the attack on the dreaded Efreet!

Junior Grenadier Darek stepped up next, leading an assault on the feared Orc Brute..

Look at the size of that bastard!

Perun kept us going, leading the fearless Juniors on an attack of the Shame Blood Elementals. They were slain with the least of fuss, and we headed to our final destination, the icy lair of the White Wyrm...

Salidin did us proud, leading the guardsmen and slaying at least four of the huge beasts, before we headed home to Cove.

All in all, Each Junior present is ready for the next step on their career. They performed flawlessly, and showed swagger and bravery throughout.

Additionally, my thanks to Kal Shadowhand, and Garak Nightchill, who showed grand spirit by taking time from their busy schedules and supporting the Juniors. Without Garaks Portals, we'd have been in for one hell of a walk.

Good work from everyone attending, another example of why our fine town is the finest you'll find in these lands, the town they call.....*Whispered*....Cove.

       Vince Valentine
     Grenadier Sergeant

Title: Re: A Junior course? Of course, Junior!
Post by: qom_riyadh on January 08, 2007, 12:09:26 pm
[OOC]Isn't that young George Michael in your sig? :-) [/OOC]

Title: Re: A Junior course? Of course, Junior!
Post by: Vince Valentine on January 09, 2007, 09:12:36 am
[OOC: No, no, Kas has determined it's the hoffmeister himself, David Hasslehoff :OOC]

Title: Re: A Junior course? Of course, Junior!
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on January 09, 2007, 03:04:50 pm
[OOC: No, no, Kas has determined it's the hoffmeister himself, David Hasslehoff :OOC]
More like a tranvestite pumped up on steroids.. [OOC]

Title: Re: A Junior course? Of course, Junior!
Post by: Perun on January 09, 2007, 03:33:00 pm
*Perun draws a thick line through the scribbles at the bottom of the report*

I agree, many thanks to my fellows in green for their assistance.

What with the noisy Grenadiers clanking around like so many golems and slowing me down I needed all the help i could get.

*smiles evily*

Perun, Junior Scout.