Title: GRD Vrs Cove Chess tournament - 8pm to 9pm GMT - Saturday 20th Jan Post by: Hiroko_GRD on January 09, 2007, 08:56:15 pm *A note posted to a message board in Cove*
To all covians. You are challenged to a chess tournament which will be held in Minoc on the 20th of this month. Neither side will wear Armour, nor will they carry any weapon. A member from cove will play a member from the militia, the side with the most winning games will be declared the overall winner. Title: Re: GRD Vrs Cove Chess tournament - 8pm to 9pm GMT - [camcelled] Post by: Octiovus on January 16, 2007, 09:55:05 pm Cancelled, sorry chaps.