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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on January 12, 2007, 01:09:06 pm

Title: Help the Baronship! Help the Baron!
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on January 12, 2007, 01:09:06 pm
Nono, nobody needs a new kidney...

I'd just like to launch another request to those really dedicated to BoC and making the BoC experience better for everyone, including themselves!

We've all been there, nobody or not enough people are logged on, what to do...what to do? That's right, I'll give something back to the guild! I'll make sure -I- have more fun by having more people around to RP with! I'll drop off some leaflets!!

The screenshot below shows where the leaflet-pouch is located. Please don't take the last rune or book but notify a command member when the stock is getting low.
There is no medal involved with this (although it can be), you wont receive a special or faster promotion (other then completing the ones set in your promotional requirements) what you will receive is a blooming spanking terrific BoC and all the more fun. Also future command members are always selected from the people who show extraordinary dedication in advancing the guild in both numbers and in exciting RP events. This is the time to show your dedication to the guild! Go forth and recruit! Talk to strangers in-game, talk to friends! Getting leaflets out there evening after evening shows BoC will soon be reaching new heights!

If you should not have access to the Recruitpouch please contact a member of command who will immediately rectify the problem!

p.s. You can make a few screenshots and place it on this thread if you want to take credit for your promotional requirements or just showing off your commitment. But it's not a requirement if you just want to help out!