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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Khaelieth on January 14, 2007, 01:45:37 am

Title: Blackrock.
Post by: Khaelieth on January 14, 2007, 01:45:37 am

Blackrock is a highly magical stone. It is also connected to the Guardian, as the Guardian often uses it for diabolical purposes. He has used to make mages go insane; create a dome around Castle British, trapping Lord British within. It can also be used to summon the Guardian through a Black Gate, a sort of Moongate that leads to the Great Ethereal Void.

In the past the Guardian has corrupted cults, one named “The Fellowship”, and made them try to create a “Black Gate,” a variant of the Moongate which acts as a doorway between Sosaria and the Great Ethereal Void. Scholars also wonder if the Black Gates might lead to other worlds as well, which the Avatar also supposedly has entered. Followers of Armageddon, another cult, actually created crystalline blackrock out of blackrock, which can help people teleport.

Blackrock is used to cast the spell Armageddon, and can only be located in the deepest mines. The locations of these mines, known to be close to Minoc and Vesper, perhaps in the mountains of Avarice, as secret, as blackrock is so dangerous. With the power words Vas Kal An Mani In Corp Hur Tym, meaning Great Summon (or Invoke) Negate (or Dispel) Life (or Healing) Make Movement (or Move) Wind Time, it can be exploded. This spell is Armageddon I’ve learnt, though no mortal is powerful enough to cast it, and only a wisp will appear with more instructions if partially succesfull.

Blackrock’s main physical property is its hardness. Nigh indestructible, though a minor spell can make a small portion malleable for a short period of time. Blackmoor is actually a mix of blackrock flakes and earth. Another property is that it slows the flow of the ether around it.

Places that are infused with blackrock have been known to make creatures in the area infused with blackrock, making them stronger. Lately, this happened around my house in Cove. That people who lately have been using blackrock in experiments, have been known to be contacted by voices. This has yet to be confirmed.

Putting in the last letters, Khaelieth sighed tiredly. Blocking the voice out, he wondered if Arc had the same problem as he wandered off to gather more blackrock from his secret mine.

[OOC: This book is accesible by asking Khaelieth of blackrock]

Title: Re: Blackrock.
Post by: userjosh5368 on January 14, 2007, 01:55:47 pm
[OOC-Nice story mate]

Title: Re: Blackrock.
Post by: Khaelieth on January 14, 2007, 05:42:19 pm
[OOC: Used old Ultima lore and such, way back into the 80's, and mixed it with the new stuff.]

Title: Re: Blackrock.
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on January 16, 2007, 08:17:12 pm
Hmm.. Very interesting..

Title: Re: Blackrock.
Post by: userjosh5368 on January 19, 2007, 04:07:07 pm
*Grins to himself as he mines some rock*
Hrm good old thing this great thing Khaelieth me good old friend I like yer plan to!
Lets get mining ay!