Title: Parade Drill Post by: Darek Milako on January 14, 2007, 03:34:31 pm Lead by: Junior Grenadier Darek Milako
Attended: Watchman Eve Scout Corporal Mela Arkay Regular Grenadier Demarian Tel'var Grenadier Corporal Raiden Morana We started off by linin' up. Ah then wanted teh see 'ow rusteh they all were on their parade orders. So Ah started with yellin LEFT FACE, they all turned teh their lef' jus' as ordered. So Ah picked things up, goin' from yellin' out orders pretteh slowly an' pickin' up meh speed. LEFT FACE, RIGHT FACE, ABOUT FACE, NUMBER OFF, FORM, TRACKERS LINE, MARCH ONE LAP OF ARENA, LINE UP, FORM, JIG, STICK OUT TOUNGE TO CORPORAL MELA. Stuff like tha'. They all kept up realleh well an' made Cove proud. Even though they performed well, tha' nay ment they looked well, they're all hidious beasts. Bu' besides tha' Cove is proud. Nay much more teh say except tha' a free for all was 'eld a' the end an' Dem conquered the arena wit' 'is mace. So Ah 'anded i' off teh Raiden an' we lef' there fer Trinsic. (http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/1039/111111add5.png) *Signed Swiftly* Junior Grenadier Darek The Parade King Milako Title: Re: Parade Drill Post by: Raiden Morana on January 14, 2007, 10:55:29 pm Well done Grenadiers!
Oh and Corporal Mela too. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal. |