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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Keiran Vale on January 20, 2007, 01:25:48 am

Title: Town Hall gets a Cleaning
Post by: Keiran Vale on January 20, 2007, 01:25:48 am
When: 1/19/2007
Where: Cove Town Hall

Commanding Officer: Vincent Valentine
Guardsman Involved;

Keiran Vale, Guardsman Recruit

What was Done: Cleaning of The Cove Town Hall

Keiran volounteered to clean the Town hall in order to clear his head... and for a bit of training. His Mirror Image Spell soon came in handy
                                                             "Commanding The Troops"

After discussing with his others he decided who would do what.. and where he would take a nap

                                                             "In Charge but Lazy"

After picking a nice spot to sit and watch his images work, Keiran set them on their task.

                                              "You are not seeing double....you are seeing many more"

After finishing the work at hand, Keiran dispelled his mirror images and set off to find other ways to spend his night.  With the Town hall clean in under an hour, He had much time still for himself..

Title: Re: Town Hall gets a Cleaning
Post by: Mela Arkay on January 20, 2007, 08:55:09 pm
Good job -

Scout Corporal,