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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Tiolas on April 01, 2005, 09:35:56 am

Title: The road is blocked!
Post by: Tiolas on April 01, 2005, 09:35:56 am
This is not good! I was on one of my early patrolls around the provinces of Cove, and suddenly it struck me that there were no peasants and traders using the roads! On further investigation i went to our previous battle grounds near one of our guard outpost and was horrified by what i found. The Kaldorians and the crosseyed traitors have blocked of our road not letting anyone travel south!
The Peasants quikly got word that all who approach the blockade, would perhaps not return. Surely we can not let this deed go unpunished. Also i picked up a few words from a conversation that a Kaldorian was trying conduct with a crosseye, and it seems there next target would be to destroy our intire town and bring a fall to the Baron of Cove! As they spoke these words i was discoverd and they followed me through the land untill i could hide in a tree somewhere in the woods of Cove...

This is most troubling news! Seeing as our recent battle did not run so smoothly, I believe we need help! And i dont think our Vesperian "Friends" will aid us!

I would say hang all the Kaldorians and Crosseye's ye can find!
I would also suggest no-one leaves our Covian terretory as the Kaldorians and the crosseyed are all over our provinces...

Title: Re: The road is blocked!
Post by: Locke DaOrt on April 01, 2005, 01:53:33 pm
Har!....those Kaldorian scum fight like cowards, if yer a real man they cower in yer presence

Title: Re: The road is blocked!
Post by: Gottfried of Yew on April 01, 2005, 05:51:48 pm
Well apparently guardsman they don't cower in the face of real men, since it seams they won their battles mhh?

Title: Re: The road is blocked!
Post by: Locke DaOrt on April 02, 2005, 02:07:51 pm
Ahm nay guardsmen

And yer lost because i was nay paid ter fight