Title: *A box and note left outside the door of Keiran Vale* Post by: Teagan Grayner on January 21, 2007, 02:38:30 pm A small wooden crate containing two paintings and a note is left outside Keiran's house door. The note reads:
Dear Keiran, Got the paintings you requested here and a couple more on the way. Hope their alright their both of Minoc I actually started them a while ago for Teagan but I thought I'd give them to you. For the one I used oil paints and the other normal but I used more of a sponge technique. Regards, Fli (http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/2795/flinapainting4dl.jpg) (http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/6669/flipainting3hj.jpg) |