Title: [TODAY] Recruit Cadre - 7.30pm GMT Tuesday 23/01/07 Post by: Raiden Morana on January 22, 2007, 12:05:10 pm What: Recruit Cadre
When: 7.30pm GMT Tuesday 22/01/07 Where: Barracks Rooftop A lot of new faces milling about the place. About time they got put through their paces eh?! Let's see what yer made of. Any other ranks are welcome to attend. Eligible Recruits: Bradbecca Detrof Gideon Vale Halen Hoskins Wildheart Du'tar Gralsgnek Spike Keldron de Thorpe Perrin Curulhach If i've missed anyone turn up anyway *grins* And woe betide yer if ye aint got all yer kit! *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Corporal |