Title: Crusade against the Ophidians Post by: Garak Nightchill on January 23, 2007, 03:35:37 pm Where: The Lost Lands
When: Saturday 20th January Led by: Roland Dagorian, Templi Squire Attended by: Hoagie, Captain Eve, Watchman Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout Keiran Vale, Guardsman Recruit Scott Bradbecca, Guardsman Recruit Erik Arkay, Senior Guardsman Snudrud, Mela Arkay, Scout Sergeant Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant Lord Preceptor, I led the above Guardsmen to the lair of the foul Ophidians, in continuance of the Church's Crusade against these servants of the Guardian. We marched north from the town of Papua, through the swamps and jungle into the desert. After some time we reached the lair of the snakes, and we fought them in Avatar's Name! We tried to reach the fort, but alas not all of our number were experienced in the ways of fighting and we were overrun on several occasions. 'Tis fortunate that the more experienced Guardsmen were able to revive the injured and we struck back, slaying more. Alas, we were unable to reach the fort but we slayed snakes beyond counting. In Nomini Deus, Roland Dagorian Templi Squire (http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y78/MaskPics/ophid.jpg) |