Title: Training the Tiberius way! Post by: userjosh5368 on January 24, 2007, 03:51:56 pm Leading:- Senior guardsmen Tiberius Kane
Attended:- Grenadier Sergeant Vince Valentine Scout Sergeant Mela Arkay Grenadier Corporal Raiden Morana Senior Grenadier Demarian Tel'var Senior Dragoon Joey Lanai Senior Guardsmen Erik Arkay Regular Grenadier Gimbly Junior guardsmen Redgar As always Tiberius has a unique training style for me its funfor some they cry and bleed! Ha ha! weaklings! Again we always start with a lecture which you listen to! Unless you want yer knackers lobbin off Ho ho! No ones got an axe swing like of Tiberius yer know? Right heading to a good start with a sound off where Gimbly forgot what to say *Shrugs* Grenadiers can make mistakes! Anyhow off onto a war cry! readying arms yer know the normal commands Bet them havenite Pansy's heard us and be wetting them selves!(http://img299.imageshack.us/img299/589/untitled8zr.jpg) Heading onto the physical side of thing we did five laps around the arena and then ten push ups followed with a swift jog to cove for a swim where i threw Redgar in i forgot he couldn't swim Haha! Followed by a bit of rock climbing where the scout sergeant accused me of something when i was far higher than her So a few rocks went her way Ho ho! Oh Gimbly fell off sight for sore eyes i say! After this Tiberius took us on a nice little jog to the barracks and finshed up with a free for all as usual the Grenadier won yer know are laws and code! Well done Tiberius matey ill always enjoy your training sessions! Signed Demarian Tel'var Title: Re: Training the Tiberius way! Post by: Octiovus on January 24, 2007, 11:49:15 pm Damn roit! That's the the stuff.
Title: Re: Training the Tiberius way! Post by: Gimbly on January 25, 2007, 10:10:18 am Gwaha !? I forgot what tha say ? *waves fist* Go wash yer ears ye lousy maggot. I nay make any mistake.
Redgoat was sleepin ! Go correct this ! *walks off mumbling* Pahh i nay forgot things.. never..my mind is as sharp as one of thos big clumsy things .. opossum ... ya opossum ......takes me fer that lill' goblin eh .. Title: Re: Training the Tiberius way! Post by: userjosh5368 on January 26, 2007, 09:12:45 pm Ah good point it was Fatgar the bloodi sleepin' fat runt'! Me apolgies brother fatgar is a tricky bastard yer know'!
Oi Redgar Lay off them pies yer trout! |