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Element boards => Completed Citizen Tasks => Topic started by: Mela Arkay on January 24, 2007, 11:13:34 pm

Title: For any bowcrafter!
Post by: Mela Arkay on January 24, 2007, 11:13:34 pm
So, being a Scout ain't easy and me and my potentials need to pratice using the Scout weapons.

I have everything I need to train Keiran and Faden except Fukiya darts. The more darts made, the more shillings will be awarded.


Scout Sergeant,

Title: Re: For any bowcrafter!
Post by: Faden on February 09, 2007, 12:19:31 am
Dear Ma'am,

An elderly man selling baskets by the side of the road once taught me how to create Fukiya Darts.

Seeing as no civilian has done this task I have taken it upon myself and created 600 Darts in total, however I have no idea how to use them. I shall add a drawing later of me doing this task.