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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Dalamar on January 31, 2007, 07:02:38 pm

Title: Sentry at Cove gates
Post by: Dalamar on January 31, 2007, 07:02:38 pm
Sentry at Cove gates

Leader:    Dalamar, Junior Scout
Attended:    Hoagie, Captain
                   Garak Nightchill, Officer Cadet
                   Flina Trix, Junior Dragoon
                   Amy, Watchman

After tournament Garak held I ordered people to line up in front of barracks. Few came and I told them what we were going to do. I ordered watchman Amy to gather some leather while rest of us builded barricades. After we had finished building Garak decided to sing a song called “Banned from Trinsic” wich was interupted by two Dragoni Templars.
After short but intensive talk with them Captain and Flina left to barracks talk with templar and Garak, Amy and I stayed to keep eye on the other one. After short moment of their leaving Yewian besieger came to destroy our barrice... Long fight started and after it I dismissed sentry and headed to dinner.

*Signed with red ink* Dalamar, Junior Scout

Title: Re: Sentry at Cove gates
Post by: userjosh5368 on February 02, 2007, 12:05:29 am
Hrm Besieger you say a lone besieger Ha! Probally a deserter of somekind besiegers come in groups like yew does when it comes to war!