Title: A letter on the church door. Post by: Snudrud on February 01, 2007, 09:42:45 pm Me's was wondering if me's could join heretic burner sect. Me's love roasted people, and me's is a good torturer! And me's hate heretics and me's love the avatar me's just hope that me's can be used in churchy for something, umh that is not toilet cleaning........
Snudrud Title: Re: A letter on the church door. Post by: Conan Darkmoon on February 01, 2007, 09:58:45 pm *Glances at the terrible written message in disgust*
Goblin.. in the Holy Book it Hath been written that most of Avatars creatures are equal.. sadly including Goblins. I am giving you a simple task.. we are in need of a page to bring the book for services etcetera.. I need thy to somehow obtained twenty books with prayers to Avatar of you're choosing, to be passed out at the next Mass. I think you will be found to be one of Avatars.. simpler beings. And can be of some service. Don't worry.. only Drow do the toilet cleaning. *Signed* Father Danny Orwens. Title: Re: A letter on the church door. Post by: userjosh5368 on February 01, 2007, 11:49:41 pm Didn't we just torture and burn drow?
Title: Re: A letter on the church door. Post by: Hrothgar on February 02, 2007, 12:44:38 am Allow me to re-write an answer to your question goblin and also correct the young Fanatic who seems to think he knows more then he actually does.
In the book of the Avatar all beings are in no way equal to one another, Avatar created the humans in his own image but due to a certain turn of events fortold in the true Holy Scriptures other humanoid races came to be such as Orcs, Elves, Drows and yes Goblins. So in conclusion, the goblins are tolerated by the church but are yet considered horrible abominations. Thus your request to become a servant of the church is hereby denied, perhaps with enough dedication to the Avatari faith you may redeem yourself enough to be considered by the church. We shall we.. Signed- Father Lucian Mekhet Title: Re: A letter on the church door. Post by: Conan Darkmoon on February 02, 2007, 12:48:12 am Allow me to re-write an answer to your question goblin and also correct the young Fanatic who seems to think he knows more then he actually does. Thank thee for correcting father, I hath given myself 100 lashings for the mistake.In the book of the Avatar all beings are in no way equal to one another, Avatar created the humans in his own image but due to a certain turn of events fortold in the true Holy Scriptures other humanoid races came to be such as Orcs, Elves, Drows and yes Goblins. So in conclusion, the goblins are tolerated by the church but are yet considered horrible abominations. Thus your request to become a servant of the church is hereby denied, perhaps with enough dedication to the Avatari faith you may redeem yourself enough to be considered by the church. We shall we.. Signed- Father Lucian Mekhet *Signed* Danny Orwens. Title: Re: A letter on the church door. Post by: userjosh5368 on February 02, 2007, 10:01:17 am *An old figure in red arms and black cape passes by*
Well Brother luckily i kill abominations for fun as is the way of the wycth hunter's. Live long my brothers! The Avatari grows strong again'! Signed Alex Jerula |