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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Aerlyn Talaviir on February 02, 2007, 08:16:03 pm

Title: Raid on Ye Orc Fort
Post by: Aerlyn Talaviir on February 02, 2007, 08:16:03 pm
Led by Regdar, Junior Guardsman

Attended by Hoagie, Captain
                               Raiden Morana, Grenadier Corporal
                               Dalamar, Junior Scout
                               Eve, Junior Guarsman
                               Aerlyn Talaviir, Guardsman Recruit
                               Perri, Guardsman Recruit
                               Sir John, Guardsman Recruit

After being lined up by Regdar we were informed that we were to take part in a Raid against the Orc Fort that lies West of Cove. There had been reports of disturbances during the night and it was believed the Orc scum were the cause.


Our little Party headed West towards Cove, passed through the Southern Pass of the mountains, then turned Northwest until we hit upon the road towards the Fort. Already the stink had begun to fill our noses.
As we came upon the outskirts of the Fort, we came across a monstrous creature that I was later informed was an Orc brute. We overcame this abomination, however the noise from the ensuing battle with the beast alerted the nearby Guards within the Fort.


We overcame these Guards and battled our way into the main area of the Keep. The stench of these creatures is overwhelming, im amazed that none of us collapsed such was the smell!


At the centre of the Keep we came across several more of those Brute monsters and countless Orc scum. All were killed thanks to our skill-at-arms.



We were about to clear the Keeps remaining towers and rooms when Regdar was informed of a large Orc group marching towards the Fort, so ordered us to withdraw back to the Barracks.
Heading back a few Scouts were encountered just beyond the Fort, these were dealt with quickly and efficiently, their heads sticked into the ground nearby to serve as a warning to the scum.

Back at the Barracks we were lined up and congratulated on a successful Raid by Regdar, who then divvied up the loot among our number and the Baronship kitty.


I took no loot, as I feel that the Baronship has done enough for allowing this Half-Elven wanderer another chance at life and thus anything I can contribute back I shall willingly give.


Aerlyn Talaviir, Guardsman Recruit

Title: Re: Raid on Ye Orc Fort
Post by: Raiden Morana on February 02, 2007, 09:23:52 pm
A damn fine report Aerlyn!

And a very well led mission Regdar.


Raiden, Grenadier Corporal.

Title: Re: Raid on Ye Orc Fort
Post by: userjosh5368 on February 03, 2007, 02:29:18 pm
Excellent report! Fantatic to see Redgar is motivating himself! Good job recruit keep up the work'!

Title: Re: Raid on Ye Orc Fort
Post by: Regdar Le Faye on February 03, 2007, 02:33:20 pm
Aye, I'm motivating myself! Hopefully ye'll stop calling me fat now..

Also an excellent report, Recruit. Very well done indeed!

Junior Guardsman,