Title: *A quik written note has been placed upon the desk of the Baron* Post by: Tiolas on December 14, 2004, 10:57:45 pm Dear Baron,
I have just gotten note that there is something terribly wrong with a close friend of mine. She calls for my aid in a far away city. As she has never neglected a call for help when i was in need, i shall return the favour and try to find her. I am incredibly sorry that i have to take my leave so quikly but i am sure it will nay be for long. Please forgive me Thy humble guard, Tiolas Amildor [OOC] Hurrayyy! After i have worked my selve through the stacks of work over the last couple of weeks, my holiday is finnaly here! I shall depart tommorow to visit the asian world of Thailand. I shall return the 24th and tell ye all about it. Keep up the good work everyone and have a merry meery xmas! [OOC] Title: Re: *A quik written note has been placed upon the desk of the Baron* Post by: Shadwell on December 15, 2004, 11:06:19 am *reads the notice and walks off muttering*
[OOC: Have fun m8! Make pics :p) |