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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Max O Munpain on February 04, 2007, 07:26:56 pm

Title: To The Gypsys defence!
Post by: Max O Munpain on February 04, 2007, 07:26:56 pm
Shortly after dawn i found myself gathered near the shrine to compassion with Recruit Aerlyn Talaviir, Senior Grenadier Demarion Tel'var, and Junior Guardsman Regdar.  This were a mission being led by Grenadiar Demarion and here he did tell us why.


With this information we headed down to the camp and checking that the locals were nay harmed set about clearing the area of brigands and such.


We soon learned that a trading caravan had gone missing not to far away and as soon as the area around the camp were Clare we set out in search.

'Weren't long before we found tracks from the caravan and traced em to a savage camp! it were a horrible site but of the caravan itself still no sign.


Eventually we learned that the poor folk of the caravan had been eaten by em savages!  Nothing remained but to avenge them so we made sure to put down all em evil cannabals and then left for home


Title: Re: To The Gypsys defence!
Post by: userjosh5368 on February 05, 2007, 01:30:44 pm
Excellent report Max as usual! If yer been able to stay longer we stole a Wyrm egg and erm traveled back through chaos *Rubs neck* Still we lived killed many foes'!