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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Conan Darkmoon on February 05, 2007, 11:50:22 pm

Title: A frantic note to the Inquisitor!!!
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on February 05, 2007, 11:50:22 pm
  Inquistor Odentheus...

 In the search for the Heretics Flinaria Trix and Keiran Vale I was able to locate both of them.  Although the bad news of the current situation is that upon declaring them arrest, a most heinous Guardsman by the name of Hrothgar in turn arrested them and realeased me!  I think this situation need be dealt with immediately, I hope that while in prison I do not have to die away from Avatars Beloved Church.

 *Signed in Blood and Dirt* Father Danny Orwens.

Title: Re: A frantic note to the Inquisitor!!!
Post by: Odenetheus on February 06, 2007, 08:22:57 am
[OOC: You mean that he arrested you and released them? *Perplexed.*]

*Odenetheus, upon receiving this, immidiately sent a note to captain Hoagie.*

Title: Re: A frantic note to the Inquisitor!!!
Post by: Conan Darkmoon on February 07, 2007, 03:53:03 pm
[OOC: You mean that he arrested you and released them? *Perplexed.*]

*Odenetheus, upon receiving this, immidiately sent a note to captain Hoagie.*
Yes, sorry about the misspel.