Title: Report: Hunt to Despise Post by: Perrin on February 12, 2007, 08:06:01 pm Leading:
Dalamar Attending: Hoagie Gambit Heckle Bicakci Perrin Under the leadership of Dalamar our small band headed for Despise to bash some fat Ogres. Reaching the mouth of the caves, Dalamar gave us some words of wisdom and inspiration before we descended into the foul infested pit. (http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q292/perrin-13/UO/UO0005-1.jpg) Once inside we battled our way deep into the caves. Ettins and trolls sought to block our way but fell before us, no match for Covian muscle! (http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q292/perrin-13/UO/UO0006-2.jpg) Reaching the largest of the caverns we came across a few Ogre lords. Singly they could not stand against our might, but when we reached the bridge leading into the heart of their lair we found our numbers evenly matched. By brute force the Ogres drove us back and a pitched battle ensued. Both sides dealt swift and terrific blows upon the other, but in the end the Ogres simply could not match our wits and training. (http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q292/perrin-13/UO/UO0011-1.jpg) After killing off the last Ogre and regrouping, Dalamar congratulated us on our fine efforts and bravery, then it was off for home. (http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q292/perrin-13/UO/UO0015.jpg) *Signed* Perrin Stonespear, Watchman |