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Command Boards => The Chronicles of Kahn => Topic started by: Hrothgar on February 13, 2007, 03:22:02 pm

Title: The Shadow Patriarch - Plotline
Post by: Hrothgar on February 13, 2007, 03:22:02 pm
The five Covian soldiers stood around the sarcophagus with caution in their eyes, Hrothgar approached the massive stone coffin and began poking around in an opening on its northern end.

"Ah yes, a spirit hole.. This opening is used to draw the spirit from its resting place and contain it within something air tight like a bottle."

Arkay eyed the bottle of ale Hrothgar held in his hand and without a moments thought Hrothgar began pouring down the ale to empty the bottle. Once emptied he shoved the bottle through the spirit hole causing a loud "Crack" sound to be heard within the sarcophagus.

"Mrmm.. No worries men, that was just the seal breaking, now lets get this thing back to Cove where its safe."

Title: Re: The Shadow Patriarch - Plotline
Post by: Erik Arkay/Evinyatar on February 16, 2007, 04:28:54 pm

Erik's chest shoots up from the bed, drenched in sweat. Mela is instantly awake and puts her arms around him.

What's wrong, dear?
"Oh?" Erik's eyes shoot around the room "Just a bad dream..."
Mela frowns as she tries to comfort him:"Try not to worry so much! Try to get some sleep hun, big day ahead of us tomorrow"

But it wasn't just a dream. These voices had been coming to him ever since he joined the Hellhounds in retrieving the spirit of Amurran in Nujel'm. The Voices spoke in a language Erik didn't understand, but the very sound of it sent shivers down his spine. He hadn't heard voices like that since his ordeal in "The Mine" and he was pritty sure Mela cured him of that.

At times, Erik would go back to the old Grenadier hideout and simply stare at the bottle. He didn't like having the bloody thing in Cove one little bit. Erik's way of solving situations like this would have involved a fair amount of digging, burning Nujel'm and maybe even stationning a regiment of Covians on the rubble to make sure! Who knows what effect it would have on the citizens of Cove merely by being held here....