Title: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 13, 2007, 07:32:09 pm What would you say is the best RPvRP template? I'm tempted to say:
Swordsmanship Anatomy Tactics Parry Healing Poisoning (Since AoS, you can poison at least one swordsmanship weapon) Focus Tactics (all GM) Or Fencing Anatomy Poisoning (Though it's frigging annoying when you meet people who've used orange petals) Healing Meditation (special moves fast, and everyone uses refresh pots!) Tactics Ninjitsu (possibly not RP enough for me... So swap for resist spells) Not given much of a thought to macing or archery, as it's ages since I really PvP'ed with it. I'm used to pre-AoS macing, so no idea how good it is. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: John Dell on February 13, 2007, 07:34:02 pm Swordmanship and lumberjacking. Nothing else matters!
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 13, 2007, 07:37:54 pm Aye, that's true. But it was much more fun with the half-life hits!
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Delcarakdur on February 13, 2007, 07:39:46 pm Archery and chiv is mighty powerful
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: John Dell on February 13, 2007, 07:51:35 pm Aye, that's true. But it was much more fun with the half-life hits! I think it's silly. People seem to care more about what they fit into their template rather then how it would suit their character. I got 120 strength; not because it's better then 110 strenght in PVP (Because it isn't) but because it suits my character in so many levels. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 13, 2007, 07:53:19 pm Archery and chiv is mighty powerful Chavalry is for the weak. Keep your fake burberry scarves and track suites to yourself, I say! Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 13, 2007, 07:56:51 pm Hmm on STATS I remeber I had an OLD RP character who was supposed ot be weak.. well their STR was only high enough to aloow leather and I never raised it lol. Like 2 hit killed with a regular weapon lol
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Garak Nightchill on February 13, 2007, 08:05:51 pm No such thing as the 'best' template. Template A may be able to beat Template B, but lose horribly to Template C. A generic swords template with 4 or 5x120 skills may have a big advantage over a fancy template with nothing over GM.
Whilst skills make a difference, it means nothing without knowing how to play the advantages. Armour makes a difference too as do pots/petals etc. The weapons selected and the special moves used... being able to change weapon at the correct time and activate the next best special. Keeping the heals coming. Being able to adapt to unexpected moves by an opponent. Stats too. A pure warrior with the minimum intel against a pure warrior sacrificing hp for mana, in the hopes of winning quickly by spamming a couple of hefty specials. Could work or both specials could get parried... Really just pick whatever suits your character and learn how to play it. I wanted to play Garak as a sneaky elf so I complimented his hiding with stealth. I could make him even more powerful as a Scout by picking up Ninjitsu (for smoke bombs and deathstrike via his wrestle) or make him a pure non-scout mage by picking up Focus and Healing. I could then drop wrestle for anatomy, sacrificing special moves for boosted healing (100 anat + 100 eval int = same evasion as 100 wrestle, but no disruption or specials). Or I could keep the wrestle and drop scribe, thus still being able to have powerful bandy heals and special moves but suffer a *slight* damage mod and extra penalties with spells such as Protection. Swings and Roundabouts really. If you've not much gold and/or time to spend developing a char then there's not much point planning some uber powerscrolled char. If I was going for a beserker axeman-type, I'd maybe go 110 Swords/Lumber/110 Tactics/Anat/Heal/Focus/Resist. If I decide not to go 100 Resist maybe increase the Swords/Tactics even higher or put some extra into Healing. 100 HP, 100 Dex and boos the Int with whatever stat scroll I could afford. Nothing fancy, fits the character, and is a good solid bruiser. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Averion/Gambit/Crystal/Etc on February 13, 2007, 08:11:08 pm Swords And Lumberjacking for me.
Use high tactics for HCI with very high dex and strength. Mana doesn't count AS much because you're good with lumberjacking without even having to use the specials. Or fencing with poisoning is good to....Or even better is swords with poisoning (Use a dammed cleaver), With a cleaver, you get Bleed attack AND poison!!!! Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 13, 2007, 08:41:59 pm I've got a char with this:
110 fencing 100 anatomy 100 tactics 100 healing 80 meditation 80 stealth 80 hiding 70 poisoning I've found the template wanting. First, all those I attack seem to have orange petals [insert random abuse], which I think is the worst thing that's ever happened to UO. Secondary, a lot people have parrying. Which always seems to parry my attacks. Thirdly, you cannot hit a barn door with fencing. The pros is meditiation. The amount of special attacks you dish out is just silly! Stamina regeneration isn't much of a problem either, as I carry several crates full of refresh potions. Another good thing is invisibility potions. If I end up with a superior enemy, I drink one and poof! I'm gone! Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Averion/Gambit/Crystal/Etc on February 13, 2007, 09:27:59 pm Use swords, not fencing.
Switch to a cleaver, If they have orange petals you can still use Bleed attack. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Snudrud on February 13, 2007, 09:41:14 pm The best tamplat is
100 stealing 100 snooping 100 wrestliing 90 hideing 80 stealth What you do is: Disarm, steal weapon , inviseblity potion, stealth away, and laugh! Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 13, 2007, 10:29:54 pm unless the fella's insured the weapon
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 14, 2007, 12:23:23 am or the limey bloke carries a spare... or 2 or jsut happens to be a kick arse bad guy....
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 14, 2007, 01:03:48 am I carry 4 regular weapons and three backup ;)
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on February 14, 2007, 08:26:21 am Chivalry/Warrior Template
120 Mace Fighting 120 Focus 110 Tactics 110 Parry 100 Anatomy 100 Healing 50 Chivalry 100 Strength 100 Dexterity 55 Int Great Warrior template that allows you to get a four hit kill on mostly all veteran chars. Mana comes back fast as lightning, and you have plenty to spend. If you have ML you can wreck any veteran players morale by giving them a nice 60-70 dmg in two hits. All you really need is the money, and armor too be a godly char. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Delcarakdur on February 14, 2007, 08:33:10 am I carry 4 regular weapons and three backup ;) Yeah, Delc has something like...ten weapons at all times. Pretty paranoid I guess ;) I'm currently gonna convert Delc to be a Melee Crossbowman. Elder Swords Elder Parry GM Archery GM Tactics GM Anatomy GM Healing Master Focus 100 Strength 100 Dex 35 Int Very versatile, with the nasty surprise of being very proficient in Close-quarters. Just Bleed, Mortal and Concuss and they're down in no time. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Locke DaOrt on February 14, 2007, 09:03:28 am Yeah, Delc has something like...ten weapons at all times. Pretty paranoid I guess ;) ...You mean carrying lots of weapons isnt normal? :o (http://img243.imageshack.us/img243/87/weaponsvt2.png) Do i have issues?... ::) On another note, it depends where you're coming from and what you're fighting. For day to day use i just love dits template Elder Swords GM Tactics GM Lumber GM Focus GM Parry GM Anat GM Healing 100 str 100 dex 45 int If i was to upgrade it without the limitations of the Grd Copper System, i would have Legendary swords 100 str 100 dex and 55 int. This template has the ability to Take and Deal damage, axes = ownage, and if im against multiple targets i can just shield up and use Longsword/Cutlass for combined Offensive and Defensive, Battleaxe Concussion absolutely Devestates Mages. Also has the benefit of being an RP Template because Dit is and always has been a lumberjack. If we're talking best "Template" that you are allowed in an RP Surrounding... 120 Swords 100 tactics 100 Anatomy 80 poisoning 100 necromancy 120 focus 100 healing 80 str 120 dex 55 int Corpse Skin - Strangle - Lethal Poison - Bleed - Pain Spike - Concuss (All in one template) Pot to 140 dex for fastest possible heals, 120 focus+Lich form has insane Mana/Stam regen. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on February 15, 2007, 05:20:07 pm There is no "best" template.
It all depends on what skills/equipment your guild allows or is generally allowed in CoRE. Within BoC I dare say I have the best template around on Kasei, but that is only because as a true samurai* he has the privilege of using bushido. Without bushido I'd say that a chiv/mace/parry template should be the top class in PVP. * with being a true samurai I mean having spent 3 actual years in a samurai guild before switching to Cove (with a good IC motive). Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 15, 2007, 05:33:05 pm Which brings up the topic: Is Chavalry really RP? I think it should be restriced to the Church, seen as paladins are holy warriors.
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 15, 2007, 05:44:54 pm *pokes head in and raises hand* I second Khae's motion!
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Amy Marsteller on February 15, 2007, 06:27:53 pm The way I see it Chivalry (in UO, where it's a magic casting skill) as a warrior's war crys to summon up spirit in the fight, and give more hope and energy in surronding people... In many Asian cultures people believe in Ki, or Chi (depending on where your from) also the transfer of Ki/Chi. If someone is excited and is yelling thier war cry, or what have you.. the Ki/Chi pools, and increases the Ki/Chi of surrounding people. On the other hand, Ki/Chi can be drained by in activity, and low spirit.
Same with Chivalry IG, atleast, that's why Warriors can use it. =) Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 15, 2007, 07:58:44 pm Locke, why do you use a spyglass in combat? :D
I partially agree, but if the reason for allowing it is pure RP, then I can say my orc's style of fighting is berserk, so he uses bushido, since it's got lightning strike and confidence. There's a lot of better skills for RP combat, IMO, that also helps you in combat to a bigger or lesser degree. Two fighting skills (I've got a swords/fencer!) e.g. archery and swords, lumberjacking, parry, hiding/stealth, detect hidden, tracking, wrestling, poisoning, alchemy etc. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on February 15, 2007, 09:59:19 pm I can honestly say that I have never trained chivalry on any char... ever!
I just dislike the skill and the fact that everyone can use it and I ecspecially dislike it when people pick the skill in rppvp just to make them stronger. The skill should be banned I say! (seriously, these days you cannot make a decent warrior without chivalry, it's about time they gave something back to the "true" warriors or add another skill so there would be more choices, perhaps even limit the use of chivalry a bit more by linking it so certain chivalrous actions) Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 16, 2007, 12:53:41 am Amen! I've trained one char with chivalry, for one purpose... Kill dragons with 60 archery.
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 16, 2007, 01:08:55 pm Hmmm well i have to say that, the warrior had their time in UO, then the mage, and well the mage/tamer happened and well.. the warrior has been behind for some time, i think thats why chiv happened honestly.
the game balances out again eventually, they just tend to add losts of stuff that benefits one type of character at certain times then balance again... then tip them same scales all over again! Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 16, 2007, 01:11:10 pm Once upon a time, a fencer could be a mage as well... *Sniffles* I miss those time.
The mage is pretty good still... magery, meditation, eval int, anatomy, resist spells, inscription, poison... =D But chivalry and necromancy destroyed the precious balance. Suddenly you could kill dragons with ease at 60 archery... So they had to give the monster more health, mana and spells, which really only helped against the mêléers. Now, a bushido/pally archer kills monsters with ease. That's why some of the new monsters are just... meh. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 16, 2007, 01:17:50 pm Necro-Nox Mage, GM necro, GM SS, gm or 90 magery, gm or 90 eval int, GM poison gm resist spells(lich form, 100 - 90% LRC, health regen of 5 or better, at 5 no loss of health as lich, at 6 get normal regenerative abilities abck, UO:ML Elf for extra mana and possible 75 energy resist)
This is of course NOT an RP template, it lacks resist spells and if you do 90 in magery and eval you can 110 or 120 necro or maybe 110 in necro and magery. I have one and hes kick arse sadly i do not have the resist spells.. and no armor. so he needs a human shield. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 16, 2007, 01:32:52 pm Snud and I are working on a character,
GM SS, magery, necro, poisoning, eval int, wrestling, meditation. Considering dropping wrestling for anatomy. The only thing it lacks is resist spells. With some luck, deadly poison should ruin anything the mages launch at us. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Garak Nightchill on February 16, 2007, 02:09:06 pm Why anat? If you had healing then fair enough...
My necro is: Magery Gm Med GM Eval int GM Focus GM Necro (70ish) Wrestle (80ish) Spirit speak (90ish) I can't recommend Focus enough on a mage, especially in mage duels and group battles. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 16, 2007, 02:11:51 pm Hmm both seem to be good ideas I should x-shard my necro!! then id ahve an OOC type character to play n Europa. Mu... Mu-ha... Mu-ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaa!!!!!
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: userjosh5368 on February 16, 2007, 02:16:01 pm Best assain template:
115 fencing 120 ninjistu 100 anat 100 healing 80 hiding 80 stealth 90 poison and 20 focus or more depending on age of account Death strike, lethal poison and then just chase sooner of later they fall. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: userjosh5368 on February 16, 2007, 02:16:43 pm Anyhow why are you discussing PvP templates,?
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 16, 2007, 02:27:24 pm Best assain template: 115 fencing 120 ninjistu 100 anat 100 healing 80 hiding 80 stealth 90 poison and 20 focus or more depending on age of account Death strike, lethal poison and then just chase sooner of later they fall. No tactics? And what's all that ninjitsu for? Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Locke DaOrt on February 16, 2007, 02:40:40 pm Khae, the lack of tactics is because all the damage comes from Bleed/Poison/Death Strike, tactics wouldn't change that damage at all. The High Ninjitsu is so Death Strike hit for 70 a hit :D
As for my spyglass, its the secret of my success, when im being chased ill place a house midfight, teleports me to the steps and blocks them ;) Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Garak Nightchill on February 16, 2007, 02:55:30 pm If you're human and have Mondain's Legacy then you get 20 of any skill anyway, giving you 20 points to boost another couple of skills, maybe GM that hiding
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Marcus Kobra on February 16, 2007, 03:07:47 pm As for my spyglass, its the secret of my success, when im being chased ill place a house midfight, teleports me to the steps and blocks them ;) By far... the most unique way i ahve heard of running.. i think you just hit Legendary RLH with that idea dude! but um.. not strategically sound Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 16, 2007, 03:17:44 pm As for my spyglass, its the secret of my success, when im being chased ill place a house midfight, teleports me to the steps and blocks them ;) *Slaps head* Obviously! Much like the house decorator! If you're human and have Mondain's Legacy then you get 20 of any skill anyway, giving you 20 points to boost another couple of skills, maybe GM that hiding I thought you got 30? And only from 0-30. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on February 16, 2007, 06:00:11 pm I personally don't care if chivalry is band. I would open up my skills more and I can add more points to defense and damage. let's see -50 Chivalry, +10 Parry 120, +20 Anatomy 120, +10 Tactics 120, +20 Healing 120.
So I'd just replace it with this. 120 Mace Fighting 120 Anatomy 120 Tactics 120 Parry 120 Healing 120 Focus Hmm and I can still do 60-70 damage in a few hits and with using less mana. So is it really that uneven? I don't think the skill should be taken out, I mean maybe it should be restricted to the higher ranks? That way you wouldn't see Recruits pwnzring Senior Guardsmen. That's what I think. Some skills shouldn't be removed just restricted to higher ranks and certain squads. Like alchemy would be for the Grenadiers, Poison's for the Scouts, Chivalry's for The Dragoons, and The Regular Army is just normal soldiers. Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Khaelieth on February 16, 2007, 06:17:25 pm Restricted to the Church-friendly soldiers.
Title: Re: Best RPvRP template? Post by: Kurt Alimar/Markus on February 16, 2007, 06:45:07 pm The Dragoons have a reason to use it, but that reason I can not say. But Arcanics are a big part of The Dragoons.