Title: OMG!!!! Post by: Coma Black on April 04, 2005, 05:51:33 pm I cant believe it. One minute my computer was working, the next POOF, smell of burning and no more computer.
Anyway i am on my bros comp, got UO working, but no UO assist so i have no macros BAH!! But cause i aint got ICQ here if you need me please message me, or get me on MSN ginger_trish@hotmail.com Camb, On wednesday do you want to meet me somewhere, or meet at the library? Let me know Thanks And OMG!!! again Title: Re: OMG!!!! Post by: Cambylobacter on April 04, 2005, 05:54:24 pm On Wednesday night Im fine for whatever! Would have bean murder if it was tommorrow night, but for Wed, you're the boss, boss. Tell me where to be and what time and I'll be there.
Title: Re: OMG!!!! Post by: Daelin on April 04, 2005, 05:57:06 pm Uhhh... I had that happen once.. smelled like burning plastic..?
One moment my computer was fine and then next moment everything freezes.. the screen goes black and the computer loses power.. and I start smelling burning plastic. :-X Well... no wires melted... but the expert said it might have been dust within the computer which burned up.. so best thing would be to open up your computer and see if anything melted inside or if its dusty. :P Well... uhh the best of luck! Title: Re: OMG!!!! Post by: Coma Black on April 04, 2005, 08:26:15 pm I dont actully have the cover screwed on............ This would be the 2nd time its blown the power supply. Oh well.
Thank god for having 3 computers in the house |